Patches on Patches

in #photography6 years ago (edited)

I know, I should be drawing but instead I chose to help @kommienezuspadt LVL UP his patch game. I’ve decided to not stress too much about getting my image done for Fox Tales. Trust me, the sense of urgency is still there but the more I stress about art, the less driven I am to get it done. I’m a little rebel at heart. Once someone suggests something that I know I need to do then I automatically deviate from the original plan. Not always, but sometimes.

Getting the first patch onto @kommienezuspadt’s jacket has been something that both him and I have neglected. It wasn’t until he went on a little Etsy spree (to order patches) that I decided that I should get to sewing. 

It’s been a lot of fun and extremely therapeutic. I’m thinking about picking up some patches for my jacket. I’ve actually got my eye one one that says “NOTICE ME SENPAI~!” 😁 I want it so bad. 

I’m actually at @caffetto right now hanging out and trying to figure out (with the guidance of @flaccidfervor) how to utilize a bot which will send me notifications through discord. I did finish sewing on both patches pictured above and also a large back patch which I’ll share in a later post. 

Another thing on my agenda is to finish up a modern deck. The cards have been hanging out on our chest at home for days now, screaming to be picked. I got a new charging cable for my gimbal so I’d like to eventually do a live-stream of our group of @caffetto Steemians playing a few rounds of MTG.

Thanks for stopping by to check out these snapshots from last night.

What crafting activities do you find therapeutic? 🦊


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Hi @vermillionfox

I owe you an apology for allowing the people that hacked my account to expose you and your followers to their phishing scam.

Once they got into my acccount, they used it to spread their phishing comment.

As you can see, I’ve regained control over
my account and I’ve edited the comment, so it would do no further harm.

I hope you will accept my apologies for not being responsible enough with my keys.

Thank you, @vermillionfox! You’re the best! <3

Making an animation is therapeutic to me, because when there are multiple problems in the animation, I have to try and overcome those obstacles. Once I do, it's such a great feeling, it's more of a "ah ha" moment than anything else.

I get that! That’s like me and sculpting. Lots of trial and error.

Haha good stuff, the patch game is strong here!!

It’s about to get crazy once we get more in the mail!

Great work keep it up!

l love jackets with patches! it's almost like a ritual when you have to put a new one! and what a better way to start a jacket that with the misfits...
l find cooking therapeutic

Yeah, @kommienezuspadt was saying that it’s very unpunk of him to let me sew on his patches but it’s so fun! He loves the misfits!

hahahah he's got point there! but yes is always fun to do it! :)

That skull patch is pretty rad. I recently purchased a denim jacket and have been collecting patches and pins to cover it with. I'm waiting till I have a good amount of patches till I put them on, but I'm super excited. And etsy has the best stuff for that! Makes me want to go shop right now...

Do it!!! Don’t resist!! I love online shopping. XD I never have buyers remorse.

aw man patches are'd be worth buying a denim jacket just to buy a bunch of pattchesssssssss

Yes, think of the possibilities! You should do it!

I am looking to buy a good jacket for the spring... only problem is I also kinda reaallly want K's leather Jacket from bladerunner

but truth is, since I am a mere mortal and not a perfect human specimen like Ryan Gosling, I could probably pull off denim much easier than a trench coat XD

Hahha. Ryan Gosling is on the next level. This reminds me of a tv show I watched recently where a host traded jackets with a guest, hoping to look cool and fashionable but failed.

Yeah see that's exactly what would happen to 90% of the male population attempting to wear a trench coat in my opinion haha. Denim for the win

Oh patch sewing.... haha one of my most hated tasks when my sweetheart was in the navy. So many pricked fingers involved for me. But it's one of the things I did out of love. Sorry I've been absent and I haven't sent out your little package, we've been extremely busy with some craziness on the homefront but I pinky promise to get to it soon <3

Oh, no worries. I’m always surprised when I receive packages because I forget that they’re coming. So take your time! I’ve also pricked myself while sewing these on. It’s whenever I get distracted.

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