Florida and the Florida Keys (3)

in #photography5 years ago

Florida part one
Florida part two

The next stop after Myakka Park was Sarasota National Cemetery. I read about it in some flyers and deeply wanted to see this place. I think it is important for my kids to, to know about the past. The cruel things that have happened to get and stay free.


At this cemetery soldiers were burried from the past but also from a shorter time, for instance who died in Afghanistan.

It was very impressive seeing all those thombstone's in line. Some with flowers next to them.


The place was peaceful and quiet, respectful as the soldiers deserved. They have made the ultimate sacrifice for their country and people.


Like I said there were a lot of veterans from World War II, a war that changed the lifes of many. Everyday soldiers are fighting and guarding for our freedom, freedom which doesn't come automatic.

Reading this regulations I can't deny that people (caretakers of the Cemetery) are really doing anything in their power to server the visitors and care for the grounds.... Something people can learn from in the Netherlands.



Our kids were quiet walking around the cemetery. They asked me questions about how those soldiers died, and why people are doings this. (starting wars). I think they were impressed and overwhelmed about it all....just like us....


It was time for some relaxing so we went to the Imaginarium. There are all sort of things to do for the kids, exhibits, a animal show. So they could set their mind of the cemetery.


The animal show was great, the guy presenting told all about the creatures, their natural habitat etc. It was very educational. He was a great speaker too.





There were also all kinds of reptiles to see, some really scary (for me) :)



A seahorse, you don't see that often. Cute little animal.

Outside there was a big basin where turtles and fish resides. The water was quiet green, I think that was because of the overfeeding of the animals. You could by some food from a machine and throw it in the water. If everyone is doing that, there is to much after a while I guess.



At the inside there was a tank with a Mantra (I believe the name is). Every hour they fed the creatures, they are very cool and layed back animals :). The bury themselves in the sand.


The little aligator had it's on place on the inside.

The great thing of the venue was that the kids could do all kind of tests about physics and stuff. The loved it very much.






They (and we) had a great time, some distraction after the heavy visit of the cemetery.


Hello Gator, you want a little kiss? :)



It was a busy but great day, with fun and thing to think about.....

Have a great day

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Amazing pictures and those lizards look scary. One of them has a smirky face in a picture 🤣
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Thank you very much !!

I think its very important kids learn about the past and its great that yours were interrsted enough to ask questions

I think it's very important too. Freedom had come with a price and requires (still) a lot of effort to maintain. They have to know it to be able to enjoy it even more. And indeed, we are lucky our kids are interested in the past to enjoy the future :) Thank yo very much

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Very cool! It looks like you had a great time! We occasionally have some cemeteries that get into disrepair around here. Usually someone contacts the local news channel and they start kicking up the issue until someone takes care of it.

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