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RE: A photographer visits Fukushima

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

Thanks for shedding light on this upmost of important stories. I understand the idea of resilience when it comes to disasters, but this is beyond that. When folks are trying to sell rice from Fukushima zone a few years after the disaster as form of resilience? When they are telling former residents to they can move back to the zone ? When they are planning Olympic events here? I have to question the sanity in that. I understand there is a Japanese cultural tradition of following authority, but common sense should override sketchy leadership attempting to unsuccesfully distract, silence and shield the fact there is a huge hole in the ground still spewing out unfathomable amounts of this energy source into the Pacific and global air currents.

Yes, move forward, but #1 don't decieve the people and #2 take steps to substitute the energy source, so we don't have another Britney Spears "Oops I Did It Again" situation.

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