Rock Climbing Season is Back! 📷

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

I'm super stoked that the climbing season has just begun again outdoors. While there is definitely still some snow around and lots of creek water risks, the walls are finally starting to heat up and are climbable again. I've been doing more gym training this winter so am eager now to get out on the rock for some outdoor climbing.

These pics of of a simple multi-pitch climb to practice and refresh rope/anchor techniques so that hopefully we can do a few longer more challenging multi-pitch sport climbs later this summer.

This is one of my favorite views. Hanging on the edge of a cliff, enjoying the view and climbing the walls with a buddy. Lots CAN go wrong in this environment, but when you do it safely, its is one awesome place to enjoy a day!


Here I am at the bottom, belaying my climbing lead up to the first anchor point, which he is approaching at the ledge just above him.


From the ledge, you can see some of the next slabs and it is the face we were climbing on this day, with a few treed sections at various parts that we were able to anchor in it to make it a multi-pitch climb. Multi pitch is when you climb higher than the length of your ropes (one pitch), by anchoring in, both climber and belayer coming up to the anchor, then climbing on further for additional lengths of rope.


This next section, we face the crux of the day, a good size overhang, about a 5.11 in class. I followed this one and did it on top rope without issue, but got pretty pumped working over this hang. I don't think I would have done it on lead, as it as a scary bit to get over for sure.


Once we are both up over the ledge, we are able to anchor in and enjoy the 100m drop below us. You wouldn't want to be here if you are afraid of heights, that is for sure! What an awesome view though!

So, the views are great and not to often, do you get to photograph the mountains from the edge of their cliffs. Loved the great views though!

Feeling a bit tired after these pitches, I can't say my smile was as bright as usual, but a well deserved rest was in order to get my head straight for the rope and anchor work to safely rappel back down.

This is our anchor work, I'm just building my rappel setup and prusik for safety on the double rope, so we can clean the anchor and safety lines for a nice long, safe rappel. OK, double check. Triple check, Breath. GO.

And again, one more stop on the way down for a photo of a tree bunch that seems less comfortable up here than I am. haha
20130831_151646 Panorama.jpg

That's it, I hope to do some more climbing soon and post some more adventures. I hope you enjoyed these photos, please follow for more photoset adventures!


Good to see other rock climbers out there, especially in such awesome surroundings! ;) Namaste :)

Thanks eric, us outdoor fold seem to share more and more passions don't we. I guess that's because the outdoor is just so awesome!

All that work for that crappy view? ;)
That would be great fun to do. Well done mate.

haha, ya just a bunch of grey rock, right? It is definitely a lot of work if you only go for the view, funny, since there is a trail to get you up on this rock anyway, its certainly easier, but then it wouldn't be as rewarding either! funny, nice one.

Why do something the easy way when there is more reward the hard way. My fear of heights would kick in a couple metres off the ground so I'd be the lame one on the trail...

lol, well I guess we all have our limits in different things.

Wow! How breathtaking! Fantastic photos! An interesting trip! Thanks for your story!

thanks olga, appreciate that and happy to share these adventure stories!

I've been watching alex honnold video for the past few weeks :-)

Ya, Alex is pretty amazing. His book "Alone on the Wall" I just finished reading as well, its excellent!

Did y'all bolt in or this a bolted climb?

Love it. Was bitching about not being able to use my Eno hammock, and you post this? I'm really jealous now.

It was a bolted route, yes. i've only done sport climbing, no trad. I have to do a hammock hang on the rock sometime, I've slept in my hammock hanging in the grand canyon, but unfortunately, it was only at ground level, not 60m up, which would definitely be cool!

Nice. Make sure you double check bolts. You never know how secure they are.

Love the pics keep taking them for me!

Ya, some of the lines in our area are getting some aged bolt lines for sure, so I do agree there. Some of the first bolts (the most dangerous) on the pitches are the riskiest and it sure sucks when you get to one and its rusty or showing corrosion. nice to have a few pieces of trad on the rack just to add security when needed, even though I don't trad climb, some limited gear is welcome to have with me on any lead climb.

Thanks for the great post and wonderful pictures. Beautiful area. I used to climb and rapell out of trees, but never had the nerve to do the rock climbing part. (there were branches to grab, when I did something dumb now and then...) I can imagine it is amazingly exhilarating and humbling at the same time. Thanks for sharing the day, and looking forward to more of your adventures on the rocks.

Thanks ddschteinn, I love climbing great big trees too, I found myself up a tree about 15m the other weekend, definitley a bit more scary without a rope for safety.

You should check this past post of mine, where I rappelled into a waterfall! Super fun!

Enjoyed your waterfall post. Must be a blast rappelling down those things. Different than trees, that's for sure. Being way up in the canopy is a hoot, but it can be a bit wild sometimes too. I climbed before they had all the safety rules. Free climbing 200-250 foot trees without being tied in. Had a few mishaps, but never fell out, which is a good thing. Always thought that was a bit dumb, but the joy of youth...

wow, that would be excited to be in the canopy that high. Very fun and ya standards and safety gear is certain changed. I only got into climbing about 5 years ago, so started with all the needed gear already, luckily.

Great pics and climb @unipsycho1. Wish I could climb with you :) I get to the US Rockies sometimes,the Front Range in CO. No 5-11 moves yet though!
Following you...

Thanks throughmyeeyes, followed back. Ya I can't say the 5-11 overhang was any kind of example of good climbing, more like a squirrel scratching up a screendoor or something, as it was pretty tough, I normall climb and will lead 5-10s, multi pitch though is better if downgraded as you just get too tired otherwise. I hope to try to push these limits though this year, I've been improving for sure!

The squirrel scratching is pretty much all I do at any grade! :) But I'm getting started on the climbing; its been mostly scrambling and the occasional emergency rappel when I get cliffed out.

Hey, good to get starting either way, and good for you to rappel on occasion, instead of doing something stupid beyond your level. I love scrambling too, and don't take any unnecessary risks.

I have tried indoor rock climbing and have enjoyed it.

I hope that someday I can do it outdoors.

Your pictures are awesome!

That's how I started, but once I tried it outdoors, now its all about doing it outdoors, I hope to do more frequently, sometime the gym is just way more convenient though

Great post and amazing looking climbing area. Greetings from a fellow climber!

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