Backcountry Camping, the Joys of Wildlife and Finding a Water Sources 📷

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

Couple pics here of my recent morning eating spot. Can't complain about this view. One meal, just eating some lasagne and a young big horn sheep comes walking up to, along side and right past us. I didn't get a picture of him unfortunately, as we were busy cooking, not expecting to see wildlife and this guy just wandered right on past us, just 25ft away. It was very cool.


One difficult part of this weekend out was actually finding water. This mountain normally has a big stream coming off it (which I've seen many times flowing well) but with our super dry summer here, there was no water in the basins, the streams or the usual areas at all.

We didn't find any water on the hike in or near camp the first night so the three us who were hiking together all split up in the morning to go scout out a possible water source, by seep, underground spring or even a crappy dirty pond, whatever we could find. I had no luck finding any the direction I went, but my buddy luckily found a small seep coming out of the rocks and it was just barely dripping a few drops a second coming out of a rock wall, which is normally quite a good waterfall.


So, thankfully, we had this tiny bit of seeping water over the rocks and we were able to collect enough water by very tiny pools that would slowly refill on the rocks below the dripping. We figured with another hot dry day, it might dry up completely, so filled up our packs for the day hike, and setup more containers to catch water for the day, while we were hiking to hopefully have enough then for the rest of the weekend.

This was the best spot for a tiny bit of water to collect from this seep. Turns out, it all worked perfectly and we had all the water we needed when we returned around 8 hours later after our hike. SWEET!

Thanks for sharing these little adventures with me, I'll continue to post photos from this trip soon. Please follow to not miss em and I'd love to hear your comments as well!


Wow, disaster averted!!! Did you have to filter the water you collected, or is it safe since it's already naturally filtered and less likely to be contaminated?

out of the earth like it was it was most likely safe to drink, but since I always have a filter with me, yes, I always filter any water I drink. no reason to risk if there is no reason to risk, if you know what I mean.

Excellent photos. Ever been to Olympic National Park? These photos remind me of it quite a bit.

No I haven't been actually, but might need to plan a week backbacking there one of these years, it would be fantastic place to hike!

This deserves some attention. Upvoted and resteemed :]

I have to agree, hahaha. thanks a lot actually!

@unipsycho - Wow..!!! what a wonderful scenery is that? Amazing. A young big horn sheep just 25ft away from you? Cool. It must be very hard, without water. Awesome. I love these kinds of adventures. And i am eagerly awaiting to see the other photos from this journey. So, I wish to ReSteem your post.

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

Thanks steemwija, I'll keep em coming!

I always like seeing your little adventures, but I suck at commenting - I wanted to mention to you that we now have a #teamcanada channel over at the PALnet discord if you ever wanted to pop in and say hello!

haha, comments I guess just take some practice. I wish I had more time to browse an comment, but barely get a chance to get through my photos and have them posted to share. I'm glad you made the comment about teamcanada, good way to help support it. To be honest, I jumped on discord once but was kind of like?? WHAT IS THIS PLACE. It was such a noisy(busy) interface, noisy chat channel, I just left, I couldn't even follow any kind of conversation. HAHA, maybe I'll have to try it again sometime.

just a good place to come say hi and get some visibility. We're gathering all the hosers together and we'll be curating out of there~

OMG this is beautiful and yeah water is a main problem of most of times :D Yeah one of my friend did a hike few weeks ago and they have faced the same problem too! But that's an experience again! Thank you very much for sharing such great and amazing experience with incredible photography! Really appreciate your effort my dear friend!


Cheers as well mate, not often do we face these dry conditions here, so I've always been able to easily rely on streams. In fact many time I've been in the mountains here and if water becomes a problem, a downhill into a valley almost always hits a stream. Just not this year. I'm not sure how the animals do it, they must suffer without having much water as well.

What gorgeous country. How magical having the bighorn encounter!

The water situation is scary. Glad you found some.

Thanks so much, ya the lack of water had us wondering if we could attempt the summit or not, or possibly have to spend the day hiking to find water. It turned out and we actually found a lot more water further up the mountain (which is not that usual) but it flowed back underground so never reached the lower areas I guess.

amigo #resteemia at your service

incredible photography & nice writing about experience you had. impressive work @unipsycho

'UpVote ReSteem Comment'

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