photography sunset last weekend
on the 11th of March, exactly on Sunday, my friends and I went the road to one of the beach in lhoknga area, the intention was just to walk the road to eliminate the kebosana and wanted to find the fresh air, but on the 11th of March, the day was not so sunny, a little bit of weeding, we went at 4 pm from banda aceh to lhoknga, by car and carpun just relaxed relaxed, namu arrived at lhoknga at 6 o'clock sunset came very beautiful.
we think today there is no sunset, because with the weather overcast, namu in lhoknga only direction to the overcast mountains, but very bright to the sea, so the sunset also looks very beautiful, without wasting our time directly stop and get off the car take grab hp each by running to the beach to photograph the moment sunset is only using hp samsung j7 prime.
this is my story when I go relaxed relaxed on holiday with my friends to find fresh air,
and this is the result of all the sunset photos.
Nice pict
Thank you👈
Nice and calm sunset
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