Flashback Friday - June of 2006


For whatever reason, call it nostalgia, I was browsing through a bunch of old photos that I have saved to the cloud, in my Google Drive. I have always loved this photo of my little Soxita. It was taken on the back porch of the apartment that I was in after first moving up here to Washington State. Soxita would have been only five years old here! It's hard to believe that this photo was taken almost a dozen years ago. She still gets this look on her face when I've done something that she considers to be wrong, or offensive to her sensibilities.

I love that you can see a lavender plant in the background! Can you believe that I actually started that little guy from seed? I was so so proud of it, but for whatever reason it didn't survive the move into the ground at the house a couple of years later.

Don't look at the spindly Snapdragon on the right hand side of the picture though!


A cat’s brain is biologically more similar to a human brain than it is to a dog’s. Both humans and cats have identical regions in their brains that are responsible for emotions.

Beautiful kitty and beautiful lavender!! Thanks for sharing! ♥

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