Some of my Turkey Vulture photos - the most gorgeous ugly bird ever!

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

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I wish I would have seen this post two months ago so I could have upvoted you! @whatamidoing just showed me how to find the posts I was tagged in, so here I am!! ❤️ You're so lucky you have a great camera to capture them! My iphone doesn't 🙂

Yep, I've the camera for just over two years now, and I still fall in love with it every damn day - LOL! Sorry I didn't think to followup and make sure you saw the post, but happy you now have GINAbot as a friend. 😊

Well those closeups show why it deserves its name. I only heard of them recently. It's great to finally see what my friend was talking about. I actually thought he was making it up.

First time I got a clear shot on my viewfinder, I thought my camera was making it up too. 😜

Congratz, your post has been resteemed and, who knows, will maybe appear in the next edition of the #dailyspotlights (Click on my face if you want to know more about me...)

Thank you so much, @pixresteemer! 💜 📷

That's not a turkey it's an eagle a Mexican eagle to be more specific.. Yeah I said it but it's OK, I'm allowed as I'm a honorary Mexican, nominated as such by Mexicans so don't go crazy calling me racist.

LOL! I won't call you a racist, but it's far too late to tell me not to go crazy... 😜

You and me both lady. I fell off that turnip truck long ago and I got papers to prove it.

Today on my way home from La isle bonita I got to see my friend the osprey with a pretty good sized catfish clutched in his claws. He looked right at me as we were coming across the causeway, saying get your own buddy this one's mine.

Birds of prey can be a bit selfish that way... LOL!

These are so prevalent - and of course their name doesn't help -so we think they're whatever but the first time I saw one up close 15 feet away I was stunned by their size, beauty and dignity!

Same here, @natureofbeing! I'd gotten a number of shots of them flying past the house, but the first time one perched in a tree, and I focused the camera... totally blown away!

I have to agree with you. They are not the prettiest birds lol but they are very majestic.... and your photos as usual don't compare to my smartphone.... hehehehe KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!! Your photos are awesome!!! xxx

You're actually right, @jaynie, it doesn't compare. In fact, your smartphone is crying 'cause it's so jelly of my camera...

(Seriously, thanks - and you know I love your amazing photos too!)

wonderful photography. Photographing a bird is no joke. Good job

Thank you so much, @sayee!

I'm fascinated how they can be so beautiful in flight and so ugly in person! The wing feathers are absolutely beautiful and I would love to make some flies out of them.

Same here, @papacrusher - the handful of times one of them would hang out and pose for me, I couldn't stop taking pictures. I must have 50 bajillion shots, many of them looking almost exactly the same! And sadly, I've never found one of their feathers lying around - tons of wild turkey (when they're molting) and mourning dove (when the hawk is hangry) feathers, thought.

We've got a lot of these over here. They are really cool and do a vital job in the ecosystem!

We have a group of about a dozen or so that are "overwinters" (a fact I discovered in a local bird watching FB group). It always amazes me how quiet they are - I'll be outside, see a shadow, and look up to see a bunch circling in the sky above me (insert buzzard joke here...LOL). It's wicked cool, and never gets old!

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