TimTravels - A sunny Day in Munich

in #photography7 years ago

Hello my Steemian friends and welcome to my travel log

I'm not a person who likes to remain on the same spot for a long time. That's why I need to travel and get all around the world. I decided to visit Munich today. My girlfriend and I will stay for a couple of day here and then move to London!

Believe me or not but Munich is one of the best cities in which you can be!
Our journey started in a small but cozy hotel: TRYP Munich! I can recommend it, high quality standards for small budget.

How far is it away from you?

The rooms are nice and clean. You feel very comfortable and can stay for quite a while here! Thumbs up.

Another huge plus: they have a spa! I love sauna and swimming, how about you?

Let's go out - Time for Bavaria

We walked through the city and enjoyed the great weather. Munich is a very clean city with fantastic architecture. It's a mixture of modern life and historic buildings.

What comes to your mind when you think of Bavaria?

Right! Beer and pretzel!

Look at that monster pretzel!

After the snack at the English Garden we went to the Augustiner Keller and had some real food

In this picture you see a Wiener Schnitzel with roast potatoes, one of my favorite dishes. One thing I need to add: the beer is alcohol-free :)

Hope you had a great Saturday! What did you do and have you been in Bavaria yet? Let me know! As I said I will be in London next week. I will take my new camera with me and show you London from its brightest side! Don't miss it.



I love looking at travel photography! Your pictures are great. I really wish I had one of those pretzels in front of me right now!
Looking forward to future travel posts!

Thanks for the kind words! I really recommend you a pretzel! :)

Looks like a wonderful trip in Munich. Was there years ago and loved how clean it was.

I can't decide whether I like Hamburg or Munich more!

Huuuu !!! @timsaid, When are you getting married?
If the time comes, do not forget to invite me to your wedding party: D

When the time has come, Steemians will be invited :)

And I will congratulate you from now on :)

Wow. that pretzel is massive. Never seen one that massive before. Cool pictures!

Impressive, right?

It looks like a very fun trip. How frequently do you travel?

Twice a month a city trip and twice a year I make a huge trip. In February I was in Thailand. Let's see where I'm going next!

Looks nice Tim, I was there when I was 13 so unfortunately too young to enjoy the beer!

Well, you are welcome at any time!

Hey I might be in Munich next week, Amsterdam a week after, and then London. Maybe we bump into each other...

Sounds great!

Interestingly enough, this is the first post i've viewed on Steemit, and i'll be visiting Munich within the week! Needless to say, this was super cool to see. I'm definitely gonna have to get one of those pretzels!

Wow! It looks amazing there! I've personally never been outside of Canada, I was born here and never been to any other country. Not even USA...

I hope some day to visit new places! It seems so exciting, and like a great experience overall.

~Thanks for sharing!

Come to the SteemFest!

I'll try! Sounds like fun!

Munich looks like one of those must visit places, I must go. Want to go to see a Bayern Munich match, drink copious amounts of beer and walk for miles...

Is it a walking town or best to ride round in uber / cabs?

They have Uber here, but we walked and occasionally took the bicycles we rented. I prefer to move

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