Our Etna's apples

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

Our apples

At the slopes of Mount Etna, at an altitude of between 800 and 1500 meters high, a particularly appreciated apple quality is used, apples of the Etna.

We live at an altitude of 900 meters on the sea level, at the moment we have a unique apple tree of quality red delicious. This year the amount of apples produced was quite small and they are rather small.

This summer drought has affected both the number and the total amount of apples produced.
We do not use any kind of chemical fertilizer or pesticide, so our apples are 100% organic.

And yes, maybe they are not beautiful as the ones you can buy at the supermarket but they are completely organic, crispy, sweet and scrumptious. The following series of photos was taken by me on today, the harvest day.

unpublished picture shot by the author

unpublished picture shot by the author

unpublished picture shot by the author

unpublished picture shot by the author

unpublished picture shot by the author

unpublished picture shot by the author

unpublished picture shot by the author



Che spettacolo sono meravigliose, il mio meletto invece ha patito quest'anno e ha dato pochi furutti.

it's look yummy so red and juicy love to taste 😄😄😄

les pommes de Medalt GOLDEN de @bakabou159704

mela veramente buona qualità nel tuo posto anche se il raccolto è un po ', ma molto utile, perché la tua mela è naturale al 100% senza usare fertilizzanti,

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