Where is the energy?

in #photography7 years ago

A long view of my positive pit, a place where I sit and drink a glass of wine at the end of the day, read a book… reflect on what is the state of my life or just play with the dogs.


Positive Pit - looking a bit bedraggled due to the long hard drought

but wait...closer up there are other creatures to keep me entertained


A tree full of creatures …. What are they up to?


Hmmm, Mr Smurf seems really irate!! … I wonder if he smells a rat?


A ladybug … hiding from the local Cape Robin


Is it just me… or is there a sort of lethargy on Steemit these days? I just do not feel the buzz… or desire to spend time here anymore.

{meanders off to study cryptocurrency charts}


I love your "Yard Art" as they call it in America. I also want to decorate my garden like this. I have noticed that there is a general lack of interest.

Still you have a drought! That alone saps motivation. I'm with you in sensing a slowdown on Steemit. When the site had all its problems with posting and even upvoting, I know a lot of folks got too frustrated and stepped back. And now other folks are off on the next sure thing of Utopian and SMTs, looking for the killer app to make Steem rise in value. And with all the new folks, it's been hard connecting with folks like last year this time. Comments have sure gotten short and with less real conversation. All those vote bots and their messages were so depressing, too. It wasn't even enjoyable to read comments. Who wants their comment stream just to be bots. And the communities just aren't happening this year, it doesn't look like. That's a long list, lol. :O

I stepped back for awhile, just posting once a week and not keeping up well. But now I find myself more energized and enthusiastic after looking at my content over the past year or so, and realizing I've actually got a nice collection of posts. That I'm building something of value to me, irrespective of Steemit. I'm digging in this winter and figuring out how to get Steemit to work for me, instead of me working for Steemit. That includes staying connected to folks, like you, that I've gotten to know a bit and appreciate. And I'm flinging votes all over the place, even if I'm at low power. It's a lot more fun than doling out fractions of rewards here at there. Enjoy your garden plants -- and those cute garden creatures, too!

I believe you summed it up correctly ...the sense of community is no longer there for me, and the interactions are fleeting . Some of that is my doing as well I suppose as I am not half as diligent at checking my feed. A good example is the wild garlic pics I am supposed to share with you. I took the pics the same day we discussed them..... and apathy struck.

I can relate to that. I have so many things that I've said I'll make a post about it. But I do think people are understanding about all that. We all have comments and conversations that fall off the rails rather than finish up! At least with the slowdown, those of us who are left can connect better. It does feel like a loss when folks disappear, and that adds up, too.

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