A matter of a 'bad' back - mundane mutteringssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #photography8 years ago

I have had a quiet time recently having done my back a disservice at the gym. Spending a week on one’s back is a perfect opportunity for some really deep introspection. Well I tried that and it took up five minutes of my time with no profound insights ocurring to me. I then tried to practise EFT as espoused by @kiwideb but the medication sort of had me poking my eyes out and breaking into giggling fits so I had to give that up before I blinded myself.

Bee on lavender

So I fell back on an old favorite. I decided to persecute my camera (and any poor Steemian who reads this post) by taking photographs in and around my garden.

The old enemy … Cape Masked Weaver … keeps stripping our trees to build a nest. Problem is they are colony birds and once you allow one to nest the next thing you have are dangling, deserted nests and a dead tree.

A once lush Australian fern in our office atrium. These are the abandoned nests

So I spend my days listening for his mating warble and then use my catapult to shoot seeds at him.

Catapult and ammunition

The girl he is trying to please… she don’t look so flash to me actually… bit drab in fact.

If she looked like this I could possibly understand his desire to please..

Common Waxbill although not so common anymore. I was pleased to see this one in the garden

What? Another bee on lavender.

Bumblebee on potato bush flower

Anyone who follows me will probably understand that this is more about alleviating my withdrawal symptoms, not having blogged for a while now. Keep an eye out for a 'Dining Out in Cape Town' post as well as an "In the Kitchen" one. Thanks for reading anyway {smile}


I'm glad you didn't poke your eye out. But giggling sounds like a suitable occupation.

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