Rachelle Vintage Style Photoshoot

in #photography8 years ago (edited)


Whilst I'm preparing for my eye surgery I decided to create some advance posts to tide over the period of low activity.

I hope you enjoy them and I endeavour to be back posting as normal once I am fully recovered.  Thank you for all the support and good wishes - it really helps.

Apologies if I am unable to respond to comments right away but I will try to get back to people when I am able.  

These are all photographed in natural light and processed in Nik Silver Effex Pro using my own special vintage film recipe.  

They are all numbered (below each photo) to make it easier for people to comment.  This can help me to gauge which photos work well and which don't so feel free to let me know.

The Photos (Model is Rachelle Summers)













If you like my work please follow me and check out my previous photography work and tutorials  @thecryptofiend - hope you enjoy.

Technical Information:

Nikon D800 Camera

Sigma 70-200mm/2.8 lens, Sigma 24-70mm lens, Nikon 85mm/1.8 lens

Window light to camera left and hand held foldable reflector.

Natural light only no flash used.

Adobe Lightroom CC, Photoshop CC, (Google) and Nik Silver Effex Pro plugins.

(Verification for me here: http://www.aapicture.com/about-me)


These are great!
#11 really grabbed me, probably cause of the smile! :)

Gorgeous model. Where is she from? She looks kinda Irish.

Not sure about here ancestry but she is from the North of England.

3-7-9-12 on the really beautiful shots. Good job. I chose relying on the inner feeling. In them feel love and mystery.
7 - winner ;)

I wish you a speedy recovery :).

Gorgeous pictures. I had eye surgery over a year ago for retina detachment then got a cataract so had to have more. Take it easy make sure you get plenty of rest. Look forward to more of your work

Thanks for your kind words. I'm trying to rest but it is very boring:)

I know how are you supposed to rest an eye you can't sleep until it's better you have to
see where your going and what your doing. It is best not to read so plenty of writing, who cares about your Spelling and what your talking about lol

Thanks lol:) I have to do something to pass the time!

great pictures, I hope your op goes well and that you recover quickly

Thanks have already had it. Am supposed to be resting but can't help coming back because it is so boring. Am OK as long as I keep my left eye closed but it gets tiring fast.

Heya, thecryptofiend, nice to see you posting up again. Sorry, I was under the impression your op was last Thursday for some reason. Oh well, you will be absolutely fine! Remember, rest and relaxation plus pain killers. Steemit will always be here when you return.

As always, your photography is pure class. I'm sorry that I am a novice when it comes to particular details of this art, but I can tell you from a layman's point of view, they look utterly fantastic. Crisp and expressive. All I can say is keep em coming!

Yes you are right. I had it on Thursday - originally intended to post this on Thursday morning but didn't get around to it. My left eyes is not too bad in terms of pain. Just very blurry which makes it exhausting to try to read as I have to keep it closed. Need an eye-patch lol. Hard to keep away though:)

Lol, I know, Steemit has those additive qualities! And you a legend for still posting your great content up after the op as well! Everything sounds like it went ahead smoothly and wish you a speedy recovery.

Thanks you are too kind. Actually it wasn't as bad as I expected. The big problem is I can't read the news and things so I feel very out of touch. I'm not used to sitting around. If I close my left eye I can read in short bursts but it gets quite tiring. Typing is fine though as I don't need to see for touch typing. The hardest thing is I can't go to the gym or drive which is my main stress relief!

you have caught some great expressive features, I will have to learn more at the moment my 2 black cats are not so interesting they only have a couple of expressions and they are mostly about food.

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