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RE: Cairns / Steinmännchen

in #photography5 years ago

Ohh No were in the Pub with no !Beer situation again I hope not because of us LOL

I went for a morning walk, but quite cool and not colors and the wind was whipping away no photos but a good walk at least

And I dont totally get it all yet either i guess with time we will work it out


Yes, the beer is still out and the coffee token did never work for me, I think. Have you ever tried the !ENGAGE token again? I miss the beer 😭

The most important thing is the walk, but you know that anyway ;)

Right, time will teach us and time will make the curation system better too :)

I did try Engage a week or so ago and I dont think it is working now, and maybe we should take a break on Beer for a day and see what happens

Yes, you must be right - the engage token is not working, but the !BEER is working again 🙂

Phew I was worried we had drained not only the pub but the Brewery of !BEER

No, we haven't done that, but to be honest, this was my first thought too ;)
Good morning JJ, I wish you a great Saturday with a fresh !BEER

Ok thats good to know

and good morning my Friend well afternoon for you by now, I got a beach walk in this morning no sunrise worth shooting but still a great start tot he day

Good morning JJ :)

A nice walk on the beach is always a good start to the day - I know that from our holidays at the sea 😉

Because I have been away photographing for the last few weekends I'm not going anywhere today, although we have very beautiful weather. Also I need to edit some photos and make a short post for tonight. Maybe I'll go somewhere tomorrow, but that depends on my family ... ;)

Good evening or I am so late when you see this it may be good morning have hardly been online today

I have only taken photos one day this week so far the weather just has not been playing fair LOL

Good luck for tomorrow whichever way the day goes :)


Hey @johannpiber, here is a little bit of BEER for you. Enjoy it!

Hey @tattoodjay, here is a little bit of BEER for you. Enjoy it!

Hey @tattoodjay, here is a little bit of BEER for you. Enjoy it!

Hey @johannpiber, here is a little bit of BEER for you. Enjoy it!

Dankie vir die bier 🙂

Hey @tattoodjay, here is a little bit of BEER for you. Enjoy it!

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