
10 minutes is about 1 kilometer - that's far enough to get wet ;)

NYC streets act like wind tunnels at times so it seems no matter what way you are walking and wind and rain is always blowing directly into your face so yes if its t=raining it is more than enough to get pretty wet, hence why so many have an umbrella with them all the time, I carry one in my bag, but seldom use it lOL

OK, now I can really imagine how it must be to walk there in the rain - not very funny. I cannot remember, when I last used an umbrella. I have only a few meters from the door to the car, and at work there are about 60 meters if I park on the last parking space ;)

The only time I ever use my umbrella and it is a small one is to keep my camera bag dry LOL

and yes the wind and the rain in the city can be a pain in the you know what

Haha, that must look funny 😊
Yes, I know, and I'm glad, that I live in our small town and work out of town.

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