
Our age range was 6 years (one older sister and a younger brother and sister).
We have been arguing a lot, and today I know, why my mom was angry at us sometimes, but she has done a good job and all of us have become quite good people and parents :)

there was 18 Months between my oldest two brothers, then 5 years till my older sister 5 years later me and then about 5 years to my younger sister so about 17 Years between youngest and oldest, but we still had the odd bit oof fighting now and again,

17 years is a lot, but I believe you, that fighting worked anyway ;)
It was a hard time, because we didn't have much, but it was also a fun time, and I wouldn't want to miss a minute :)

Yes we didnt have a lot growing up either, but I was lucky I did have loving and kind parents, which I perhaps did not appreciate as much as I should have while growing up, but I did learn to realise that once I was grown UP :)

Right, we all realize that later, when we are grown up and have our own children. Then we see, what it means to be parents.

Posted using Partiko Android

yes so true, I am glad I learned before it was to late and had a really good relationship with them for the last few years before they passed

Same with me, but mine are still alive, and I love to visit them ... not only because of the forest and the nature 😉

Posted using Partiko Android

thats great and I am sure they love your visits ;)

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