
Old - yes, because you cannot avoid it
retired - yes, because that's your reward for so many years of working
grumpy - no, because there is no need to be grumpy ;)

Good morning JJ, have a great day 😊

Gidday mate
Of course I was joking I don’t see me being a grumpy old retired man I envisage me smiling about not having to go to work and make my own plans for each day

Hello my friend :)
I didn't believe anyway, that you were talking serious, and this is the answer, I wanted to hear 😉

See the thing is i try to never be serious and I think being serious is one of the cornerstones of being a grumpy old man so there no chance i will go there LOL

Right, I have never been really serious and I don't think, that I will ever get serious.

The man, whom my grandma married after my grandfather died was a very grumpy old soak, and I certainly do not want to become like him - I never liked him, and he never liked us children.

Ohh I know those sort of people, and those are not the ones you want around young kids they need fun and crazy grandparents like you and me :)

Yes, he was awful, but we didn't see him often, fortunately :)
I hope, my kids will make me to a grandfather before I am a grumpy old man, but not too soon - they are only 17 as you know ;)

Well that is good and yes a bit early to be a grandpa but hopefully not to too far away but a few years at least

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