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RE: Wildlife: Spotted Flycatcher / Grauschnäpper

in #photography5 years ago

Lets hope so but did we either of us ever do that driving within the speed limit at his ages, I was within one point of loosing my Licence from tickets i got within 24hours of getting my license at 15, well I was only pulled over once but the cop quite rightly booked me for going through a red light speeding and dangerous riding, well the dangerous riding was debatable, was on my motorbike in the middle of the night no one else on the road and I went through a red light doing a wheelie on my motorbike and apparently over the speed limit LOL I dont think I have ever got a ticket other than a parking ticket since then.

OK a totally random forecast for you for tomorrow, maybe a couple of degrees warmer but not much, some clouds and perhaps a thunderstorm in the evening

Cheers and have a good evening


Wow, I was not that bad, but I didn't have a motorbike when I was young either ;)
I have got some tickets for speeding, of course, and some parking tickets, but my last ticket I have got quite a few years ago - I am a carefully driver, and I know where I drive and where to look, if you know, what I mean ;) lol

Thanks for the forecast - I will tell you tomorrow, if you were right again :)

Have a nice afternoon and a good evening too 😊

I hope we both haven’t tempted fate by talking about how long its been since we got tickets LOL

I don't think so ... but let's see, who gets the first ticket ;) lol

Let’s hope neither of us 🍀

Yes, that would be better ... and cheaper ;)

And getting ready to be a grumpy old retired man cheaper is good

Old - yes, because you cannot avoid it
retired - yes, because that's your reward for so many years of working
grumpy - no, because there is no need to be grumpy ;)

Good morning JJ, have a great day 😊

Gidday mate
Of course I was joking I don’t see me being a grumpy old retired man I envisage me smiling about not having to go to work and make my own plans for each day

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