
Let's hope for the best, an office with a nice view 😁

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I am pushing for my old cubicle back its at the end of a row and fairly private, with windows above that give OK light, I went over there and remembered why I didnt take an office last tie there in te centre of the floor with no windows, more like a cage tan an office so no thanks LOL

Offices without a window is something you won't see many in Austria. I cannot remember, to have seen one ever. It must be frustrating to sit and work in such a small room with no natural light.

They are few and far between here as well, usually offices are on the outer walls of the building with windows and light but not this building, So I hope i get my old cubicle back

I hope for you - fingers crossed 🤞

Looking good so far

Good morning JJ,
I hope it will be looking good, or maybe even better today 😊

Forecast looks good for today
Yesterday was interesting nice and sunny as I walked to the train 🚂 and as we started the trip but then 20 minutes down the line an intense storm came through as the Queen song says
**Thunder and lightning very very frightening **
Ok not that frightening but intense and delayed the train by half an hour

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