
Good morning and thank you very much JJ :)
It makes really fun to photograph these dragonflies. They fly around me and then sit down on a flower or in the grass. When I go down to take a photo they suddenly decide to fly again ... I can hear them laughing ;)

Ohh yes I can relate I spend half an hour or more folloyone around one of the trails here once each time I got close it moved on and I am sure not only was it laughing at me the birds overhead were having a good chuckle and the plants were moving so much I think they were in hysterics

Haha :) the same happened with me and a small butterfly today until I said "forget it" and went my way. After a few steps I looked back - the butterfly sat on a flower and didn't move. Maybe I should have turned around, but I didn't ;)

It was just teasing you if you had turned back it would have moved on, they are evil like that LOL

I know, they do this on purpose, like also the little bug today, which didn't want to get photographed from the front - it always turned around, that I saw its back, and then it jumped from the leaf into the grass and was gone :)

The views you got of it witht he cool tail feature were great maybe that was its best side and hence what it wanted you to get shots of ;)

I think, they pose for the photographer, and if they like him, they stay still, until he has taken his shot :)

Ohh I see so your saying none of them like me!!!!
Just kidding

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