Selfies as wedding photos??

in #photography8 years ago

I like taking photos yet I am far from a professional.

I don't even spend too much time in the technical side of it as I prefer to wander through and discover what I do and have fun whilst doing it. A bit over a year ago, my wife and I got married. We chose to elope and runaway for a honeymoon much to the dismay of some friends and family that wanted to dress up and eat free food ;)

When I suggested to my wife that I take our wedding photos she was a little more than sceptical. It is not that she doesn't trust my amateur skills as she has seen the photos from the couple of weddings I have shot at (stressful stuff for an non-pro). It is that she didn't think that we could manage something that would be suitable to put on our wall. For me, it didn't matter too much as long as we had some fun doing it. I figured that we were doing the rest alone, why not selfie wedding pics!

I was unsure if I should post this kind of thing here until @paulamachado commented I should post a few.

Since there are so many photogs here, I am very interested to hear if anyone else has taken their own wedding photos. I think it would be really hard for a professional to choose a photographer for their own wedding as their is a fair bit of trust required and probably a high expectation on the vision.

Admittedly, these were a little last minute but I wonder (with a little more equipment perhaps like a flash or two, tripod etc) how good the results could be. Personally, we are not selfie people but it is a nice story to have from our wedding, even if there are no witnesses to corroborate :)

Feedback and tips welcome.

Olympus Em-1
12-40 2.8
Gorilla Grip (only tripod I had at the time)

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It is a pity I posted this a couple minutes before images stopped loading...

These are beautiful! Keep it up!

Thank you. I hope I only have to do this one once though :)

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