Headlines and Glances

in #photography6 years ago

I like photography although, I am not overly talented, knowledgeable or willing to really up my game... I am still an enthusiast though. What I like about it is the capturing of moments and for me, especially the moments shared with people I care about. I like taking images that tell stories in their own right, where the viewer can read into it without having been there to share i it at that time.

Sometimes I take pictures that are technically good yet, lack soul and without that, there is not much value to me. I want the feeling captured or something expressed and I hope that when people actually have a look, they get a feeling too.

We live in a scroll by world where people value volume of consumption rather than depth of understanding. I see so many people scroll past images and text that really is beautiful yet, they double tap the Instagram feed and move on to the net without it ever sinking in to permeate who they are, never really becoming a part of them or making them think. It all just gets lost in the stream and sinks to the bottom and out of awareness.

There is so much beauty in this world that gets scrolled by, overlooked, ignored because, it just takes too much time to be touched by it as to slow down the stream is to lose the chance to get to the next random image as fast. So much of this world has become headlines and glances.

Here are three from among my favorite images from St Petersburg in Russia. Do they tell you a story or, did you have to be there to enjoy them?

[ a Steemit original ]


When you say you are not knowledgeable about photography, I wonder what a person like me would say. Okay, fine you said overly because I remember when I first came across your blog, it seemed like you have half of Pixabay on your posts and you never get to credit them for the photos, so I had to ask and you mentioned that you take them yourself.

I truly love to see good photography, one thing I might love more than a good photo is a good art. Since I cant produce anything reasonable in both, I have to appreciate those who can make them. A photo carries a thousand words.

But it's sad that both are losing their values in today's world. Before now there was a saying that to hide things from a lot of people, do so in a book but now it seems if you hide them in a photo or art only few will take a few more seconds to find out what message the photo carries.

Before now there was a saying that to hide things from a lot of people, do so in a book but now it seems if you hide them in a photo or art only few will take a few more seconds to find out what message the photo carries.

This is an important concept for people to wrap their heads around. Pay attention and the manipulation is obvious.

I like the building in the first photo. Do you know what it is? Is that the only pic you took of it?

Think you underestimate your camera skills. It was actually some photos you took that I remember first about you, not your writing. Think that you have a good eye for capturing a moment in time with soul!

No one remembers my writing, not even me :)

Stop making me say so many good things about you. You know full well we all value your writing. While your photos drew me in as I was scanning the photography feed (I think) it was your writing and personality that keep me coming back. Now each day I make sure to read at least one of your posts no matter how busy my day is and it's part of my routine. Not to many bloggers here that make that list. You challenged my thinking and changed my opinion on something which says a lot for your ability to present information and your thoughts.

Did you say youre not knowledgeable in photography and you took this amazing shots, hmmn, did you really squat to take the picture in image 2? Awesome! Image 3 is so beautiful. I cant exactly say the stories here, but there truly is a feeling in them i cant really describe, i can just feel it! Is that the feeling?

Yes, I did squat for it :)

I like the last image too and having the Lada in the bubble adds to it for me :)

Even the colours, they look exquisite. Did you use a phone camera?

lol No, it was a Canon 40D

Just has to be

There are stories here @tarazkp. In fact, I am curious about the two ladies on the left of the first picture. I wonder what they are talking about that has the one, with her back to the wall, looking so downcast.

Pictures say a lot. I actually envy artist and photographers because it is easy for them to capture the nuances of a conversation; facial expressions, scene, atmosphere, easily. A writer has to work at it and is not always successful at it. I wish I could take pictures that could stir something in someone.

Maybe I will write a short story on those two ladies. I am curious. 😂

A mother explaining the harsh realities of life to her daughter.


They definitely have feeling to them. It's the atmosphere of the place as you look out onto the building. I like the focus of the bubbles in the last as it captures a moment rather than a scene. Some pictures are beautiful, but they are purely visual without any other context.

Sometimes I take pictures that are technically good yet, lack soul and without that, there is not much value to me.

I get this. I don't have a proper camera, just my tablet and hate that it can't capture colours so well, particularly at night. There's a particular feeling for me, for example, looking back at a colourfully lit shore, but when I take the photo the lights are all yellow. It just doesn't capture the feeling, so I delete it.

Some photos are just a waste of harddrive space. I have lots and lots of photos of places but, they don't tell anything about them. They come in handy for some purposes yet are not great to recapture the moments experienced.

Great shots Taraz. That is one city on my bucket list. I love history and old buildings and the shot from the restaurant/coffee bar with the buildings in the back ground just look fantastic. Was this a fairly recent trip?

It was about 3 years ago and we were there for 5 days. I really enjoyed it and the people were friendly, it felt safe and there was some good dancers too :)

In this day and age we never take the time to stop...........just stop and slow down our breathing and then look.
Of course the beauty of this world gets ignored as we casually pass it by. I think humans have always known this shortcoming. It might also be one of the reasons why paintings have been so valued throughout the history. More often than not the great artists are born with a talent to not just paint but with a talent to see along with it. To capture what we might have missed or what might have been. To use their prized imagination to fill in the gap if necessary.

PS: Those are great pictures that you took :D

I think art itself has a purpose to draw attention to what we miss in the world either in the positive or negative. The little details that a busy life never sees.

The pictures are incredible and the story I can pick up from the 3 is St.petersburg is romantic, exciting and dreamy, luckily I got to visit this beautiful city and find that story completley true

I really enjoyed it there. In a few years when more pf the buildings have been restored it will be much like Paris.

to bad the bubble got ruined by the distortion of thee background
the red flowers can't tell anything about them what kind are they

Yes you said you take bad pictures but man you need some work . keep trying they will get better over time or not

the bubble is a nice shot :) unique
but the 1st one I like best . it has three levels to it each distinctive . together but separate


I like the layers in that one too. 3 lives united.

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