Between reality and illusion

in #photography6 years ago

Soon, the boats will be back in the water after their winter slumber and scenes such as this will be gone again. I like this time the stillness, the reflections in the water. Reflections are something that I have always loved and I think many people feel the same. I wrote about duality yesterday and perhaps that has something to do with it as there is the reality and the illusion and the harder the two are to discern, the more attraction we feel.

I think it is that razor blade boundary between reality and illusion where we are the most creative. The laws of the universe and the endlessness of imagination. This is where art lays, the riding of that edge to pull illusions from one side and bring them to life on the other the best one can with the tools one has.

Walking this path is a dangerous road though for it is easy to lose one's balance and fall to the side. Tumble into the illusion and one becomes lost in the impossible, fighting for what can never be. Step too heavily into reality and one soon believes that all that is there is all that can be and the impetus to stop looking further than what is already seen. Both positions means, nothing changes.

Humans are creative forces, we can take what we imagine and use what we have to create it. It doesn't always mimic the mind nor does it always go to plan but, with each creation, new tools are puled from the illusion and brought into existence. It means that we can keep expanding, keep growing, keep evolving.

One of the problems I see is that much like these boats, we are shelving our creative talents. We are taking them out of education, we are smothering them through what we consume, we are suppressing them by trying to fit in with the group, jumping on the bandwagon and becoming like everyone else.

Walking on the knife edge of creativity means that from time to time our feet will get cut and we will be judged. We will limp and we will learn, we will heal and our skin will thicken. In time, on that blade between reality and illusion, we will dance without fear of injury.

[ a Steemit original ]


I was busy looking at the photos and had to go back and read the

The fear of being judged will stop my Oldest in her tracks. Once she realizes that others will judge her she will decide she isn't interested in something....and this drives me crazy. I haven't found a way to get her to understand that it's ok to make mistakes.

Guess none of us like the idea of being judged and even more so when we are putting ourselves out there in a creative way.

The fear of being judged will stop my Oldest in her tracks.

It is something that I feel I am going to have to deal with also in time but I am trying to mitigate it a little now by reinforcing that we all fail from time to time. I don't think it will make a huge difference but perhaps a little will swing the balance.

I think as parents must of us try not to let our kids see our mistakes and this adds to the issue. Know that for the longest time I didn't like them to see mine. Over the last few years I have instead allowed the kids not only to see them, but I'll point them out and what I might have learned from them. Taking a very different approach. Will it help, no idea.

Giving emphasis on your ending paragraph, I see it as in the sea of life no flawless sail to take,enjoy the ride up and down. But in the end, it is the strong ones who come out triumphantly.

That's my dear, @tarezkp. Like in the mirror: who's looking? We are an accumulation of emotions held in a face, in a body. Everything has its limits. Imagination is the mother of all virtues. She is capable of motivating us or pushing us into unknown worlds. The one who walks along paths never walked before, risks to find new things and make new paths. There are no limits in the imagination; like the child who paints his first drawings and leaves the lines, so is our imagination: without limits. It was good to get through here. Greetings

Between illusion and reality, I will choose reality. Reality brings about awareness, and awareness itself comes with the perils and opportunities of reality.
The pictures in this post are captivating.

I prefer to stand on the blade.

Conformity! Most of us are afraid to be unique, to be different from everyone else because we fear judgement. Fear to be criticized, fear not to belong that's why most of us tend to just do what is usual. But those who dared are the strongest and powerful!

Thank you for sharing this @tarazkp! :)

Conformity, the grey cloth we are cutting ourselves clothes from.

Indeed, society influence creativity in such a way that it is stifling. Even those who seek to break away from societal hold on what is considered to be beautiful, find that they have become either pariahs or they have started a movement.

The razor edge between becoming an artist of renown and a failed artist is very thing for those who dare to bring their imagination untainted by societal bias into life. It takes a lot of courage to stand by what you feel.

A failed artist is one who does not pick up their brush, not one who doesn't receive accolades. Too many judge themselves on what others opinions are of them.

I think poor would be better instead of failed, for you see correct.

Artists need the accolade for who are artists without their audience? You cannot create and hide it forever. The sad part is that posterity will name them masters but today consider them to be inept.

The sad part is that posterity will name them masters but today consider them to be inept.

I have a feeling that this is going to happen in many fields

It takes a lot of courage to stand by what you feel.

I think we were all born with this courage, and it can never be taken from us, but then fear has snuck its way in, and the fear in this context is not lack of courage but the desire to conform

Walking on the knife edge of creativity means that from time to time our feet will get cut and we will be judged. We will limp and we will learn, we will heal and our skin will thicken. In time, on that blade between reality and illusion, we will dance without fear of injury

Our creativity is fuelled by our imagination, and our imaginations are fired up by our uniqueness, until we learn to appreciate and accept our uniqueness can we then begin to experience the walking on the knife edge principle of creativity as explained

Omg, these photos are exquisite, i love the tone, the atmosphere, even the elements surrounding, ive got to ask, why dont you watermark your images?

Our creativity is fuelled by our imagination, and our imaginations are fired up by our uniqueness,

And our reality is born.

Some are watermarked, some not. I am not a professional and these days, if someone steals them there is little to really be done. If it comes down to it, I still have the original shots with exif data ;)

And our reality is born!

Thanks for that.

Okay cool. The pictures are so cool

One has to grow and creativity is an important tool for the brain. Creative minds are what the world needs. There are far too few around.
Great photography. Did you take these?

He did not point to an image source and @tarazkp is definitely no plagiarist, so yes, he took these.

Hehehe. Was just checking. I know Taraz is a good photographer. He has so many talents so nothing shocks me any more.

THere are definitely too few and yes, I took these :)

Beautiful photographs. They tug on thought and emotion alike. In those moments of emotion we more often find ourselves tangled with the need to express, to capture beauty, to lyric a song, to word a poem, to sketch, paint, sing. Why are we so afraid to fail, when failure means the luxury of a free lesson, the knowledge with which not to repeat the same mistake. How to learn to embrace failure as a teacher........

Reality is real game, it includes the hustles and bustles of the world. Illusion is short of this.
The line between them should not be underemphasized. Don’t get lost! Face reality!

be creative in the face of reality is my approach. Ride the line.

Be creative!

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