Eyeballs VS Camera

in #photography7 years ago

I don't have a homesteader post for you today. This post is about pictures, and how taking them often frustrates me.

The situation starts with my eyeballs.20171203_205645.jpg
I mean, look at this one, for instance. It's my right eye. It can't see much of anything that's further than 18 inches away without a corrective lens. Also, those dreaded crows-feet and under-eye circles have begun to appear! General lack of pigment in the lashes, brows grown wild --well, you get the picture.

Ignoring the cosmetics (I do it all the time, it's easy), and allowing for the corrective lenses, I'm otherwise quite happy with my eyes! They let me see all sorts of things, sometimes things I like and sometimes things I don't like, but the good very heavily outweighs the bad.

The trouble starts when my eyes see something so great that my mind says to me, "Tangle! That is some quality visual input right there, your hands should get out your phone and take a picture of this moment so we can savour it forever and possibly share it on social media!"

Then I agree with my mind and make my hands do the thing.

At this point, one of two things happen.

(1) My eyes and my camera agree on what we see and a satisfying picture occurs,


(2) My camera says, "Whatchu talkin bout, foo?" And zero picture satisfaction occurs.

Here is an example. Yesterday night, I was driving to a nearby town to volunteer service at a church Christmas banquet. The almost-full December super-moon was rising as I headed down the road. It appeared even larger due to some type of atmospheric magnification/refraction/scienceyword.

My eyeballs said, "Look at this massive %#&@ moon!! It's the size of a basketball held at arm's length! Its bigger than that stop sign, which is awfully crazy big too! It's bigger than the sun!"

(All of those statements are technically true except the last one, by the way.)

So out comes the camera. Camera says, "I think you're probably high on life or something, because that is one tinyass moon."


I will fix this. With zooming function. The correct aspect will be demonstrated, even if it does go all pixelated.

Camera laughs and says, "Right bro, you still crazy."20171202_171927.jpg

Ok, that's a little better, camera, but that's still like NOWHERE CLOSE to how big the actual moon actually is, so we'll just crop the zoomed picture and then the world will know about this crazy giant moon, ok?

Camera doesn't say anything, just shakes head sadly.20171203_212847.jpg

SEE CAMERA? THAT'S HOW BIG THE MOON IS, IT'S GIANT OK? Why didnt you just take this giant moon picture in the first place, zoomed up like this, so it doesn't look like the trees are made of dryer lint, huh?

Camera says its because my eyes are lying. Eyes maintain that camera is to blame. Personally, I think the eyes have it.

Meanwhile, everyone, everywhere, suffers because they don't see how huge the moon is on the road close to my house.

I have so many other pictures I've featured on my past blogs that were victims of my camera's failure to look at things correctly. Sometimes it surprises me and pulls things off great. Sometimes I manage to get the appropriate effect by fiddling slightly with contrast/brightness/hue/temperature controls. Other times with zooming or cropping.

And sometimes, the camera wins. Those are very sad days. 😭😭😭😭

Anyways. I hope your camera is not a lying jerk like mine is! Tell me about your most frustrating picture taking conundrum in the comments! Have a great night, steem-friends!


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Thanks for the nomination, @anomadsoul! I gladly accept :D

LMAO!!! Oh Goddess, Tangle. You crack me up honey.

I know exactly what you mean. My eyes and camera are often at odds. Great writing and .... photos. :)

Thanks Trula! Glad you stopped by :D

this is such a fun post was a blast to read

and correct cameras can be so good at times but at others then just are totally useless to capture what we see

Someday they will just implant cameras inside our eyeballs and then pictures will be perfect lol

even though I think it’s a scary thought but I think it will come

😂 Love your humor and I’ve felt the same way many a time! It’s almost always with landscape pictures. The outdoors are always so much more breathtaking in person than on camera. Sunsets, moons, the outstanding colors.

I think it's partly because cell phone cameras are really better for up-close pictures. So the landscape stuff falls flat. Glad I could give you a giggle :D

First off, I think you're doing a great job with your posts and photos! Second, I totally understand this camera and moon thing but my eyes kinda' suck too but yeah..I'm blaming the camera! = )

I am SO blaming the camera hahaha!!


Heyyyyy. Did you borrow my camera? I think they are all alike!


I have not only one but three jackass cameras! My son tells me it is just the jackass behind the camera that is the problem! Nice son!

He sounds like a real treasure. Shall we bury him in the backyard with the cameras? Hahaha!

No no, just kidding. Burying people is not nice.

He can be a cheeky little so and so. Not so little though. All my sons reach 6 foot and better.

Ha! I get the same thing. LOL, almost the exact same conversation with my camera today.

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