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RE: Some Flowers To Brighten This Wintery Day

in #photography5 years ago

I have about half a dozen spider plants, a bit much for indoors but they look nice hanging outside in the summer. Usually about the end of summer they start flowering up rather nicely. I have a couple of tropical plants I take out and plant in the dirt during the summer then I bring them in during the winter. They always sprout out quite nicely during the summer only to come in and "downsize" during the winter. lol, must be they don't like it inside as much as out.


Talking about tropical plants... JEALOUS!!!! Lol!
We had a really nice greenhouse and aquaponics system for a couple years, it was SO nice to have living plants all year! We hope to get a small greenhouse back up this summer, and then do a big one next year. My plans and my reality rarely look much alike...This winter was especially dirty.... I thought it was almost spring, turns out winter was just getting started!

My reality doesn't do much better. lol. I was gifted with a green thumb...though I just think I got that from my grandmother who was an avid house plant person. I don't know why but she would always bring her plants in at night and take them back out during the day, I remember helping her carry them back and forth.

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