The zen and the not so Zen

Taking photos for me is usually a great therapy.... but not always...!


Since we had a really nice day yesterday (60 degrees!!!), I wanted to get out and take photos. Since I bought a new car on Friday, I kinda wanted to take her for a little drive as well. So I went to Kimberling City to take photos at the lake.


Since most everything looks like this, I was actually worried about the photos I would get.


I took a few shots down near the picnic areas, but I just didn't really like what I was seeing. As I was leaving, I noticed this little cove. I HAD to turn around to get some shots! I thought my worst problem was going to be as I was walking down the steep embankment to get to the cove. WRONG!!!! I made it down to the bottom near the water and took some shots. I wasn't really getting the effect I wanted, so I looked around to find a place higher up that I could take photos. I found a rock that I could stand on while I took some shots. It wasn't wobbly or anything, so I thought I was ok. That was until my feet went flying out from under me (for no reason!!!) and I landed on my right hip and arm. Fortunately my camera got a cushy landing as it ended up landing on me..... but that was the end of my taking photos by the cove. I climbed my way back up to the top and left.


Since I wasn't in severe pain at the time, I decided to go to Moonshine Beach in Branson to take photos. The beach area was closed for the winter, but the boat launch area wasn't so I took some shots here.


I liked the pattern of the algae growing on the boat launch.


The evergreens are still... well... green :D


Another little cove area. But after my fall, I wasn't going to try to get there...


I wasn't the only one interested in going to the lake. It was actually quite a bit more active than I had expected midweek. I guess everyone got tired of the cold!

Btw, for those of you who are wondering, I am ok after my fall. No broken bones, two small bruises. I knocked things out of alignment in my back and neck and went to the chiro to get them fixed. So now I am primarily just sore. I actually got really lucky and am very thankful nothing worse happened!

I hope you enjoyed reading this. Please upvote/comment/resteem! Thanks!



One advantage of photography is that it's visual and can transcend language.

The art of photography is all about directing the attention of the viewer.

There's a sea of music out there, but there's no curation for it.

nice shots, despite getting your camera crashed...
Take care and keep on taking shots

¿Naguara¿ esta exprecion es de Lara Vevezuela cuando algo nos gusta y mucho ,espero estés bien.

Thanks! And I recovered well. It just took longer than I'd like. Lol

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