Jess-O Part Deux

I know it's been a really REALLY long time since I've posted. As I've said before, I have a job that requires nearly all of my time.
Last weekend, I decided to ignore all the piled up charting and went to see Jessamyn Orchard play again. I, of course, took photos....

This is, hands down, my favorite photo of the group.

I was a little surprised, and a little excited, about how this came out.

I have no words, I just really like this photo.

Elvis reincarnated?

Rock it out!

She has so much passion and puts so much emotion into her music

The very talented @jessamynorchard

I wonder if she sings to the camera...

I'm gonna just let you scroll through the rest and hopefully you enjoy them....

@jessamynorchard- If you have never heard her music, go check it out! Now! Ok, wait, leave a comment and upvote first, then go!
I hope you enjoyed!!!!


I'm just now seeing you posted these!! Love, love love!!!!

Thanks Jessamyn! And I love love LOVE your music!!!

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