Grant's Farm

Another place I visited during my stay in St. Louis was Grant's Farm. This is a family desitnation, but I still enjoyed myself even though I was alone. Well, I wasn't really alone, there were other people there, but I went alone.

You start out taking a tram that winds its way through the front part of the farm. They have over 900 animals and over 100 different species. I have many more photos from the beginning than just this one, but I've already got a lot here. I didn't want to make it too long!

The tram winds you through and you get taken to the back part of the farm (or maybe the center?) where they have a gift shop, a petting zoo and then what is basically just a zoo. Then there's the very end. I don't have pictures of the last section (I could kick myself for that!) which is the area more geared towards adults.

You can actually by this gift card thing that allows you to feed the animals, including bottle feeding the baby goats if you want, get a free snow cone, annnndddd... well.... I'm thinking a camel ride or something, but for the life of me I can't remember. I used mine to feed some of the goats and then gave it to a family with a young kid that wanted to feed the animals but couldn't. I used what I wanted off of it and then called it good.

Guinea pigs. Adorable. Smelly.

This is the last photo I'm posting from the actual petting zoo. The rest of the animals I'm posting photos from were not ones you were allowed to pet.

You could actually pay to have camel rides or pony rides. I chose not to do either since I mostly wanted to take photos. Watch out! They spit!

I know it's silly, but these horses looked so depressed that I felt really bad for them.

One of the many things I love about my camera is the noise. It's not super loud, but it clicks fast enough that the animals get curious and turn to look to see what it is. This lets me get photos of them looking at me!

I get intrigued by elephants. They're so big and can be so fascinating to watch sometimes!

I laughed after I took this photo. The fountain in the back was not running when I started taking photos of the alpaca. Then it just suddenly turned on. The photo makes me think that the alpaca is posing with the fountain!

I had hoped that the zebra would look at me, but she chose just to rest in the warm sun instead.

This little guy is seperated off from all but one other bird. He was somehow injured and will never be able to fly again. They didn't have him attached to a perch like the others. There was no reason to. He is still a beautiful and regal bird!

Grant's farm is owned by Anheuser-Busch. For those who don't recognize the name, they are a beer company that owns Bush and Budweiser. Back in this area, you find BEER! You can get 2 free good sized samples of beer, as well as beer to purchase and food. There's a museum that holds old Budweiser carraiges and various different things. Including stalls for horses. There weren't any clydesdales in these stalls, but they had a few different horses in them. Including a cute donkey.

I wandered my way down one side of the farm to the back, got my free sample of beer (I only wanted on of my samples) and bought a pretzel and a brat then wandered down the otherside of the farm.

These birds are used for teahing purposes. They have shows to teach kids all about them. I didn't stay to watch the show because by then 43 school buses showed up filled with kids. I decided I was done with this portion of the farm when two of the kids nearly knocked me over as I'm standing taking photos.

I'm not sure why this clydesdale is seperated off from where the others stay. I was actually back on the tram and leaving when she got an itchy back. I love the fact that, in the middle of everything, she turns her head and seems to be looking right at me while I'm taking her photo!

On the otherside of the parking lot, you can go to the clydesdale barn . This is where the Budweiser clydesdales are kept over the winter until it's time for them to go on tour again. Unfortunately most of them had left for tour the day before I got there (just my luck!) and very few of them remained. Clydesdales are absolutely beautiful horses and I really wish I could have seen more. Although, I'm still happy I got to see the few I did.

Grant's Farm is a lot of fun and I'm glad I got to go see it. I would highly recommend this for anyone!

I hope you enjoyed! Please upvote and leave a comment/ask a question!


I pass through St. Louis often enough, I should put this on my to do list!

Very high quality photos and excellent presentation!

Thanks so much! And yes you should! There's a lot of tourist things to do there, including their version of Central Park. I never made it there, but the friend I was staying with said it was pretty neat.

Cool, we got friends in town there and travel through it a few times a year.

I think their zoo is free too!

Such expressive photos!! I love animals....those goats look like real characters.

Thanks! And the goats are real characters! I don't know if you have ever had any interactions with goats before, but they're usually pretty good for a laugh!

No, I haven't. I've only seen them in pictures or on tv....have always wanted to play with the kids....and watch the goats. I've heard they make great "pets"

I'm not sure where you're from, but a lot of places have petting zoos where you can play with goats.

That's sweet of you - Im from Ontario, Canada

Ah. Huh. I dont know about petting zoos from there. I've never been to Canada. I've always wanted to visit since my Great Grandmother was from Quebec.

Lovely photos and that donkey looks really sad.

Thanks! And I agree. The donkey does look sad! And unfortunately his stall didn't allow for any petting to try and make him feel any better :(

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