The Bug That Looks Like a Hummingbird. Photos Upfront and Personal.

in #photography7 years ago

will this tiny critter make through winter? Nope, but pretty cool I spotted it when I did.

Camera: Blackberry DTek50

I had to double take just to be sure it wasn’t an actual tiny bird and not a huge bug. Bugs I respect but they are my phobia, even ants and little ones too small to do anything to a human have me running. This little one is awesome, truly a remarkable flying insect that makes a difference in earth ecology.


With that long extending nose that sucks up the sweetness of flowers stretching out to get just what it needs as the weather turns into a climate not much can survive without some shelter or a furry coat.

Pretty much all other bugs have already taken their place in this crazy biosphere that dictates who lives and who dies. These little guys are sucking up the left overs which is truly impressive. I am not sure what they look like sitting still, I can only guess some moth like creature that thrives in the sunlight.

It's got some body mass I must say. Almost the size of my thumb plus it's wing span so I doubt there are many other bugs that want to eat it even though it must be as sweet as chocolate. It's kind of slow witted and would not flee in fear when I passed by they mostly moved simply because a bigger object was about to get in their way, such as when I walk by them.

Maybe it is the worlds smallest hummingbird. Maybe this evolved into what hummingbirds are today but really it's just another living thing that loves to eat what hummingbirds love to eat. I've never seen a hummingbird in China so doubt that's what this is.


we also have it in Poland - no its not a hummingbird but looks cool doesn't it ? :)

It is a pretty cool bug. I don't normally like bugs but this was was extra interesting. Do you know it's called and have seen one not in flight? I really want to see the colours on their wings.

sure - its Fruczak gołąbek (Macroglossum stellatarum) - and its from a butterfly family whats strange :)

cool these little guys really get round. Thanks for sharing their name.

@trumpman has made a nice post about this, you can find out more about this creature here:

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