
I don't know. Then congress needs to investigate the election commissions or whoever runs the elections.

Well, the liberals are in control of Congress, and THEY are the ones stuffing the ballot boxes. Do you think they will allow an investigation? They might loose power....


No...but something somehow needs to get done!

Agreed, WE need to elect enough people that we have a majority, so we can clean this crap up!


do you think the Republicans blew a major chance the first two years of Trumps presidency?

Absolutely, they believed the MSM, and held off needed changes! Any that did should be replaced. We need a hard reset in DC; so we can begin to fix this garbage the liberals have forced upon us!!!


and that can only happen if Trump gets re-elected.

True, we must do our part and put him back, WITH BACKUP; in the House and Senate!


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