Is Steemit ‘Pay to Play’? (Serious question)

Is Steemit ‘Pay to Play’?

Forgive me if this post comes across as idealistic, I’ve got my own thoughts and feelings on this but I’m curious to know what the people I interact with think about this one. Just genuine, honest feedback.

Because I can't have a post with ZERO images!

Steemit has been fantastic for me this year, it’s motivated me to write more than ever before, to shoot with a renewed vigour even when I’m not on a paid job and, most of all I’ve met some incredible people along the way. People who have upvoted, commented and resteemed my work but most importantly people who have taken a genuine interest in my posts. I immediately click on posts by @schmidthappens – a fascinating guy who has taken some incredible photos around the world, mostly on a smartphone - and @ilanaakoundi – whom my wife and I both love following, one of the most genuine Steemians we’ve had the fortune of meeting who always takes the time to post meaningful comments as well as her own incredible adventures. There’s influencers like @markangeltrueman – who was one of the first influential Steemians to drop me a message of encouragement and support – and @eveuncovered – who has her own huge audience yet still takes the time to read up on my photography articles and help out other Steemians. There’s a whole host of people well above me in the Steemit hierarchy who have taken the time to support a newbie like myself.

Honestly, there’s far too many Steemians to list here, but for me that has been what’s really kept me going with Steemit.
I was chatting to another of my ‘Steemit Besties’ (To steal his own term!) @aussieninja recently. Adam epitomises everything I love about Steemit. We’re all a part of something that by all accounts is still in it’s early stages, yet somehow, within a week or two of joining Steemit I’m chatting away to a fellow photography enthusiast who just so happens to have competed on Ninja Warrior just like myself. Seriously, what are the odds? Anyway we were talking about the various curation accounts on Steemit and got onto the subject of paid upvotes.

When I first joined Steemit I had comments from bid-bots and similar accounts and was aware that, should I save up a little SBD, I could pay for some upvotes. Honestly at the time I didn’t know much about what it all meant, so I carried on doing things the way I thought they ‘should’ be done. I assumed that, given the public nature of ones wallet and upvotes, that paid upvotes would be frowned upon. After all, doesn’t it defeat the whole purpose of the rewards based nature of Steemit?

I’ve not been without success on Steemit up to now, I’ve been lucky enough to have a couple of posts upvoted by curation accounts and I’ve woken up to see one of my posts at the top of the trending page. A pretty special experience after you’ve slogged away at a 2000+ word article. I’ve gone from 0 all the way to nearly 400 followers in a month and a half and I’ve got my reputation all the way up to 54. I was stoked!

Then another article popped up by an account I follow. The user posts great images, not too many articles, but had amassed over 1000 followers in less than a month. His reputation was well above my own and Steem Power through the roof for such a new account. Then the seed was planted in my head, is the whole system rigged if you don’t want to ‘play’ the game?

I don’t want this to sound at all bitter, I’ve got massive respect for anyone that really commits to the platform, and success is success, I can’t argue with that! I’m really writing this to see what everyone thinks about Voting bots?

Let’s set aside the other inequalities of the trending page for a moment. Yes, I know there are people constantly on the trending page who essentially own their own whales, that’s not what I’m talking about here. I don’t feel like the ‘we should pay for upvotes to level the playing field with those guys’ excuse really holds much water here. After all, if we ALL paid for upvotes the playing field might be levelled, but the only people that really profit are the upvote bots right?
Personally, I’ve always felt that Steemit was a platform that rewards good content. So the idea of writing 3-4 big articles a week, at 2000-4000 words a pop was fine by me, even if it was more than I’d written for my University Dissertation! The problem is I’ve also come to realise that my big articles go one way or another, they do well, get noticed and occasionally curated by some influencers. About 70% of the time they slip by, curation accounts can’t afford to give away many votes, especially not on the same people! In fact most of the time I’d be better off posting an image, with a few good tags and a short description.

On the other hand what I am doing is building a following, people who aren’t just jumping on a bandwagon because I’ve paid to be on the trending page. You see I feel like I’ve seen this whole ‘buying votes’ thing before with Facebook business pages and Instagram. For years we worked away at our social media following (when I say we I mean the business I run with my wife) with little impact, struggling to be seen on a platform with literally millions of other images every single day. Then, over time we did start to get noticed. We never got instafamous or anything, but we got a good solid following of nearly 10 thousand followers. A number that still sounds absurd to me.

At the same time we saw friends and competitors skip the hard work phase by paying for followers. Sure enough after a month or two they were in the 5 digits. The problem was those followers didn’t care about the posts. Unless a post was promoted it got as many likes as if they had just a few hundred followers, essentially all of those ‘paid votes’ were empty. And I can’t help but think that’s what we’re seeing here on Steemit.

While paying for votes may be acceptable I wonder how long it will go on for. Personally I tend to unfollow someone when I notice they are paying for all of their upvotes, it still just doesn’t sit quite right with me and I feel it cheapens the time and effort the rest of us put in. But maybe I am way off base here, maybe I’m just being old fashioned.

So, my Steemian friends, what do you guys think? Where does it all go and what is ‘acceptable’ in your eyes? Am I missing a trick by being so righteous about ‘rules’ that don’t even exist, or do you think the masses will start to rebel against those who use paid votes to ‘game’ the system?



You're making some great points here. I also have a particular unease with the voting bot system. Albeit, I'm reading up on it understand it more, and to potential use it. If it is the difference between success and failure, that seems like a new brainer choice, right? But at the same time, it doesn't seem 100% inline with the spirit of Steemit.

I think you mean to say "Is Steemit Pay-to-Win"! There are video games out there that you can play for free, but you really need to pay money to get the best items and advantages to win consistently. There is a bit of that involved in Steemit.

I have put some of my own money into the platform and I have withdrawn nothing (including the rewards from a Curie vote) in order to be more valuable on Steemit. In that way, I have had to "pay-to-win" a bit.

I think you are asking some important questions here. I love the community aspects and the friendships that emerge from Steemit, and today is one of those days that I wish it could just be about the people and not the bots.

All the best,

Honestly I think this post has tipped me even further in favour of not paying for votes. I just don't think I agree with it and what it does to the platform, regardless of motive.

It's interesting, finding out how to promote yourself on a platform like this, but it's certainly not dull!

I can't help but feel the bots will die out, or become as useless as instagram bots at least. It might be the way to make a quick buck but it's not the way if you're thinking long term. In my opinion at least!

I have a niggling suspicion that you are right. It does seem motivated by short term gain.

I really think about steemit like you. and I deserve your ideas. Steemit was very meaningful for me shortly!
very beautiful, successful artists, great friends!
it is good for me to watch your photos and be on the same platform!
please continue to share more! great pleasure to follow.
I loved the heartwarming.
by the way @ilanaakoundi is truly spectacular!
I am happy when I read his work and his comments!
I'm sorry for my bad english.
Have a nice day Chris !

That's great to hear, and that's one of the many reasons I won't be paying for votes, the followers I've built up to now have all been 'genuine' and I'd like to keep it that way really!

No problem at all! That's the awesome thing about the internet now, it doesn't even matter what language people speak!

I think the biggest problem is that today it's almost impossible to find content you're interested in the first place as it gets drowned in the 'post noise' immediatly - without a revamp of the site (eg. custom feeds served by algorithms like on Medium/FB) Steemit will have a hard time.

I kinda agree with you. Some content that feels like low effort to me gets upvoted to the trending page, while other high quality content get buried into oblivion. However, I believe that people paying for upvote bots won't find long term success, at least the majority of them as their followers will only be artificial ones at best as you've pointed out already.

No matter where you go, every social platform will have people greedy for short term attention, trying to use it to accumulate wealth and long term stability. While it sounds reasonable to have a shot at gaining a lot of genuine followers by being shown on the trending page, I believe it is far more sustainable to slowly increase your following by regularly posting content, no matter whether it's low effort or not. There is even an audience for low effort content after all.

I fully agree, albeit with a degree of optimism, that those who pay for votes won't be the ones who stick around long term,

It definitely seems the safer bet to steadily build followers through your own actions rather than a quick paid vote!

I totally feel you man! Steemit is a weird place. I totally loved it the first weeks until I understood the dynamics. There is no slution to the problematics. People should be allowed to promote their posts with money, which we have in the "promoted" tab. But how could you possibly stop people from paying for votes... I think having a channel for "non botted" posts would be a awesoe beginning. Cant be so difficult to implement. Would love to see that. Apart from that, maybe we should just start our own tag like "friendsoffriends", would be cool to see how something like this plays out. I started to sort out all the people I followed in the beginning, only keeping the ones with quality content, like yours. Keep it up Chris xx

I still love it, don't get me wrong, it's just always going to be one of those frustrations I guess, I'm sure over time it will die out and as I said in the post, we found with Instagram that eventually it just gets rolling on it's own!

For now I reckon I'll just stick to doing it the old fashioned hard work way!

Thanks for the support :) I really appreciate it!

I totally get your frustration and you're asking very fair questions. Are you on steemit chat or discord? Hit me up on either of those, same handle as here.

Hey dude, just got back to the laptop for the evening, I am on Dischord, but pretty new to it. I'm in the Curie group but I have no idea how you find other users! My dischord tag is #3901 (same name as here)

I think that's all I need to find you. I'm heading out for the LA Art Show for the day but I'll hit you up on there later. Have a good one!

Sweet, have a good one dude, will catch you on it later today or in the week!

I'm 100% with you. I think it's cheating when people get a leg up that they didn't earn, plus it would feel fake to me if I paid for votes. My organic tries for followers on my photography Instagram page tho have yet to pay off, but I still refuse to play the "pay" game. Just keep at it and don't sell out.

Good on you, it's just the better way to do things in the long run, thanks for the last little message too. You're right, it is selling out, will have to remember to look at this post next time I'm even mildly considering going to the dark side!!

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