Toy PhotoShare 14/8/2022steemCreated with Sketch.

in #photography2 years ago

Photography or a image I feel often captures those treasured moments in ones life but I also find that just like the act of writing our collective pictures can also be an art-form. The beauty and meaning of photograph can be expressed and shared in many ways including "by not using any words".

While I do like photography I used to share images when I could that I captured day to day events, the feedback was mostly positive and I continued sharing these "Ulog type" photos.

Almost every picture as a story to tell, or at least that is what I have often been told by some of my regular followers when I first started sharing photos on here.
To those who have often said and expressed that to me I would have to agree with them.

Today 14/8/2022 I share this capture.

Toy Photography, Lego Figure Close Up PolkadotMan, May

Toy Photography, Lego Figure Close Up PolkadotMan, May 25 2017.jpg

Images By: @simonjay

It's August already and so far it's mostly not been as hot compared to July well that is until recently. We did keep getting weather warnings of very hot weather supposedly always coming the following day which never really happen until this week. It's great for those who are actually on holiday during the biggest holidaying month here, however for those working the hot weather is not so fun. While many people have now gone back to focusing on the war I have noticed even that's gone a bit quiet lately. There was a big focus on fires not too long ago as they seem to of been doing their new yearly tradition yet again on burning down many forests and other important food related buildings. Still it's incredible that the war as been going on for over 6 months and yet it still continues, others have gone back to focusing on the covid nonsense..

I went to sleep around the usual late hour last night with intentions of getting up a little later as to get some rest but instead I ended up over sleeping a little.
I felt incredibly tired this morning not sure why maybe it was the heat during the night, I mean I felt like I slept properly but maybe I didn't.
When I woke up I already felt hot, today was supposedly to be a slightly cooler day but so far that didn't seem to be the case which was surprising as last night it felt fresher.

I didn't have get up for work but was seeing friends later and since I got up later than usual I was already very behind on what I needed to get done and worried I'd meet my friends again later than I wanted.

Lastly it didn't help getting this morning such an early phone call from my dad again, I'm still confused as too why exactly he now needs to call at such an early hour on random mornings.

While doing things around the house I have to agree with others who have said they think today is warmer even if the temperature continues to indicate it's cooler.

Still I got things done on time to meet friends but sure I had to skip a few things but it's nothing I can't do later in the week.

I joked with friends yesterday as last time we went to this place that supposedly sells pizza but they didn't...??
So we left but really wanted a pizza that day, luckily I knew of a place further down so suggested we go there, luckily the ovens were functioning and we got our pizza.
While happy we managed to get one over on the guy who was falsely advertising pizzas it was such a shame that the pizza fell short of all our expectations.
Even me who is probably the least fussy as I just love food can definitely say that we will not ever be buying pizza from that place again as it was undercooked and it just didn't taste that great even if it had extra cheese.

Anyway we ate Chinese food this time round, we ate outside at the parks table and chairs and at one point when I was eating with one of my friends I thought we were going to be fighting for our lives only moments later.
As we ate we both noticed a man walking in our direction wearing a balaclava, I thought he was going to walk nearby by us but my friend was the one who noticed he was straight towards us.
My friend was unfortunately correct as he walked up right to our table and started to ask us we any of us smoked, it was at this moment I thought we were going to get robbed or attacked.

Luckily he was just interested on whether or not we smoked, which my friend later explained to me he was probably going to try and sell us something illegal if we said yes to smoking.
It seems that may of been the case but honestly it's so frustrating that you can't go anywhere around here without random people coming up to wearing clothing that usually indicates your about to get robbed or stabbed.
I mean seriously why do some people think it's ok to walk about like bank robbers and murderers yet the police seem to somehow have difficulty identifying when someone is about to do something I mean if anybody is walking around like that people should be reporting them as suspicious behaviour before someone gets hurt.

One of my main objectives was to try and leave earlier as lately I have been leaving too late from seeing friends, but today was probably the worst so far.

Returning home it was cooler but not as much as I expected and the streets were nicely empty which is good in one way as there's lately been an insane amount of killings around here this past week alone, I honestly don't know what on earth is wrong with people to keep committing such horrible acts.


Anyway as for the picture today I share one of initially a unknown villain at least for me in the Batman universe, ok maybe I had seen this guy before but for the life of me I couldn't remember this guys name. I even searched many of the Batman villains list and couldn't find anybody that resembled this dude. Is this guy really that new or obscure that I just can't find him anywhere? I was also shocked by the sheer quantity of villains in the Batman universe which does make me wonder why the focus so much on just a handful of them. Anyway after some searching I finally found out that this is infact Polkadotman, but I'm still not sure of what exactly he's abilities but it seems he can throw Polkadots from he's suit that can transform into various things that will help him in almost any situation. I think this could actually make for a powerful villain but it seems most disagree still I generally I prefer how the image of Bane came out compared to Mr Polkadotman here.

Other Captures

Toy Photography, Adult Full Groot, May 24 2017
Toy Photography, Adult Full Groot, May 24 2017.jpg

Toy Photography, Lego RC BatMobile Display HeadLights, May 25
Toy Photography, Lego RC BatMobile Display HeadLights, May 25 2017.jpg

Toy Photography, Lego CrazyRobin Figure Close Up Display, May 25 2017
Toy Photography, Lego CrazyRobin Figure Close Up Display, May 25 2017.jpg


July 2022 Month Results For #club5050 !!


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I don't know polkadotman
I got a set of lego tires last 🚗

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