Flower PhotoShare 17/4/2023

in #photographylast year

Photography or a image I feel often captures those treasured moments in ones life but I also find that just like the act of writing our collective pictures can also be an art-form. The beauty and meaning of photograph can be expressed and shared in many ways including "by not using any words".

While I do like photography I used to share images when I could that I captured day to day events, the feedback was mostly positive and I continued sharing these "Ulog type" photos.

Almost every picture as a story to tell, or at least that is what I have often been told by some of my regular followers when I first started sharing photos on here.
To those who have often said and expressed that to me I would have to agree with them.

Today 17/4/2023 I share this capture.

Flower Photography, B&W Star Rose Close-up

Flower Photography, B&W Star Rose Close-up, May 21 2017.jpg

Images By: @simonjay

Well unless your a sleeping NPC or in a good place it hasn't been exactly a joyful year as the power supply companies just don't stop raising the costs of energy.
I'm awaiting my next energy bill which is late, probably adding more numbers to it and are bracing themselves when people are going to flip at them for the prices they present. which really everybody should.

While people are already angry about this in general it's not enough, we need to constantly be battling these idiots or we are going to be spending all our wages turning on a light for 1 minute, is this really what we want..
It's claimed we are able to produce more energy then ever before due to the technology we have today, the same as been said for food yet much of the world is struggling for food, sounds like someone is withholding and telling us lies.

Not only that but it's also been over a year since the attack in the Ukraine, on both sides thousands of innocent people are being affected. There was a ton of pressure on South Africa to finally end things by arresting Putin, but he as already warned any country who arrests him will suffers heavy losses.

Last night I went to sleep just slightly earlier than the the usual late hour this is because I wanted to have the energy for meeting with friends tomorrow and not get sick this time. Well it wasn't getting caught in the rain that made me sick I already was feeling unwell 2 days prior to getting caught in the rain but everybody insists it was the rain lol.

When I got up this morning it was again before my alarm but like the past few mornings it was not by much. I went back to sleep until my alarm woke me, since I was off and woke early again I took some extra rest, maybe just a little too much.
I had a few things that I needed to get done before I could meet with friends later and so couldn't spent too much time resting.

I was hoping for a brighter day considering that yesterday and the day before it was more towards being dull.
However the weather for the whole week was strangely on a very strict schedule, everyday it started with brilliant sunshine but during the afternoon from 2 until 5 it would be windy and raining buckets almost like it was a completely different day and mostly at what seemed like at a switch of a button.
It would then clear dead on 5 to a bit of sunshine before a temperature drop after sundown.
Well yesterday and Friday it finally broke this repeated circle and so I'm curious on what today will bring because if it's going to be doing what it usually does then that means I will likely get caught in the rain once again when out with friends.

It's started with bright sunshine and my hope is it will stay this way but I have my doubts, so I rested a bit longer this morning, but not for long as I still needed to get started with doing chores and logging on Steemit.

I managed to get most of what I wanted done which kind of surprised me, just before meeting up with friends I had to quickly call and change the meeting point for a few of us so I just hope this time nobody gets confused and goes the opposite way lol.

One of my friends turned up a little early which I guess in the end was a good thing because I still wanted everybody to have time to get snacks if they wanted them.

I was shocked by how everything and everybody showed up right on time, we had to rush a little as being Sunday many things were closing but honestly if any of us was late by even a few minutes there would of been disappointment.

However I had such a crazy surprise today one of my friends managed to invite a friend who I have probably not seen in like 12 years which is just insane to think about that it's been that long, it just doesn't seem possible.

Still we managed to get snacks and some people still wanted to get "proper food" before going to watch the movie plus we still had time to kill so it was a good way to catch-up with everybody.

When we got to the cinema I was a little annoyed to be informed that the screen times was 10 minutes ago, this was not what they had on their website, it was not just me who checked the time but another friend too and the time was confirmed by both of us.
So why they thought it would be a good idea to start it 10 minutes early is beyond me, luckily we were able to still get in because of the trailers still running.

We watched the Mario movie which probably should of been called the Peach movie.. if you seen it you might agree with that and while it was generally ok as they did get a lot of things wrong but they also got many things right.
It's still odd that Mario and Luigi don't have Italian accents, the whole thing with the Donkey Kong country area didn't seem right and Peach was over the top.
They did get lots of the music on point, Luigi was not portrayed as I overly cowardly useless character but just few steps behind Mario how it should be, and Bowser was also mostly the big bad villain he suppose to be...well at least initially, he's love for Peach as mostly been speculation but in this movie he just throws it out there which kind of makes him just seem a little weak and desperate in those moments.

There's a ton of things we could debate about from the movie but this is not a review post and so after the film some of us who could stayed a little longer and went for drinks.
In the end we stayed there much longer than what I would of liked, not only that but I believe there was a bad crowed in there.
Which I guess did make me feel a little uncomfortable, mostly for my friends sake on their way home because I believe two of the guys who were there are the ones who robbed me a few years back.

Still I didn't want this to ruin my time with my friends, unfortunately the robbers group were leaving around the same time as we did, away from the robbers we quickly parted ways going home while the robbers with their group were still hanging around outside the place.

By this time I was already feeling real tired but still had to make sure some friends got home safe, by the time they were dropped home it was just me left to get in and I had a bad feeling about being out in general.

I think I had this uneasy feeling from whether my friends would be safe getting home and for myself too, perhaps seeing the guys who possibly robbed me a few years back was what made me have this uneasy feeling, regardless returning the night was strangely very calm quiet and a bit eerie.

Luckily on the way home one of my friends continued to message me even after I told him to get some rest as he had work in the morning, but instead he ignored me and we continued to message until I got home.

That was nice of him and on this particular night perhaps he sensed something was not right too, well I was glad he did, and eventually I finally got home.


As for the picture today I share some flower photography and yes I know that this type of photography on Steemit has a bit of a bad reputation because it was often used by spammers to make like 8 posts each day.
Hopefully as you can see from my blog I'm nowhere near making 8 or more posts per day on the subject of flowers.

This was captured as the nice weather started, I'd say around nearly a month in after it kicked in, I was on my way to meet a friend and on this day I walked past these roses.
But I suddenly had to stop and capture them as not only did they look beautiful but there was a very slight pleasant smell in the air coming from them in this small area.
Here I captured another close-up rose face because I like the soft details of these flowers, perhaps it's just me but I feel this one as a star like shape to it's form.
If I had maybe captured it from a different angle this could be recognised better of a rose with a star like shape but don't think I noticed at the time.
Cleary this bud as received a lot of sun shine as it's almost a perfect rose, I don't usually do as many black and whites with flowers but there was so much detail here I thought it would make a good capture.
Well after stopping for a while to admire these roses I continued to make way for my friends house, hope you are liking some of these rose captures so far.

Other Captures

Flower Photography B&W, Rose Monster
Flower Photography B&W, Rose Monster, May 21 2017.jpg

Flower Photography, B&W Twin Rose Close-up
Flower Photography, B&W Twin Rose Close-up, May 21 2017.jpg

Flower Photography B&W, Single Rose Sunlight CloseUp
Flower Photography B&W, Single Rose Sunlight CloseUp, May 21 2017.jpg


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