Ballerina Flower Photoshare 20/4/2024

in #photography3 months ago

Photography or a single image I feel often captures those treasured moments in ones life, there is nothing quite like looking back and reflecting good or bad. But I also find that just like the act of writing our collective pictures can also be a art-form. The beauty and meaning of a photo can be expressed and shared in many ways including not even using a single word but instead just seeing what it makes you feel.

While I do enjoy photography I used to share those "everyday" type images that captures just those typical day to day activities, the feedback was mostly positive and so I continued sharing these "Ulog type" photos on Steemit.

Almost every picture as a story to tell right? Or at least that is what I was often been told by some of my followers when I first started sharing photos on here, and I would have to agree with them.

Today 20/4/2024 I share this capture.

Flower Photography Red 2 Ballerina Heesterrozen Close-up May 28 2017.jpg

Images By: @simonjay

Last night I went to sleep way past the usual late hour, this was disappointing but its because I was put back by 2 main things. One of them was the gruelling process of not just the laptop set-up but then filling it with all the things I would need to still work on my projects if away travelling. The other reason for being put back was that after getting online with friends and then just before leaving I helped one of my friends with trying to set-up some software. As for going to sleep it was still cold that night but the heavier blanket placed above the sheets does help and feels nice, and had it doubled again. I expected this morning to be difficult to get out of bed but I actually woke-up seconds before my alarm. Yes I rested past my scheduled alarm but not by much as I know I must rest to keep that horrible flu from coming back. The good thing about today and why it seemed logical to do so was because I didn't have work and so going past my alarm was not a big issue. I'm not blaming the cold but it does seem to have a affect for me when it comes to getting out of bed and beginning the day. The weather this morning was actually mostly bright, which is nice compared to yesterday where it was very dark and miserable but my guess is that kind of weather will return by the afternoon. Still lucky for me with such a late start I didn't have work to get in for but did have plans to meet with friends later, one I will visit is the one who recently found out they will no longer have a job in a few months which is mind boggling considering their work place is very under staffed. I feel very bad for my friend losing their job and so will make a visit and will likely find out more about the situation. Still I didn't really want to start the day this late as there were things I wanted to get done, however I will be leaving most of it until tomorrow as I will continue to be off from work but I do want to make at least some progress today on some other things plus get the chores done. I done what I could but it wasn't enough before I had to leave. I left a little later than I wanted and so was surprised to see the sun still making it's appearance but honestly it didn't make much difference it was still too cold for my liking. I guess at least on the way it didn't rain so it could of been worse, I had packed for later in my a bag scarf and hat. With friends we watched the film girl with the dragon tattoo from what I remembered from the film I expected more, in the sense of action but it was more of a murder mystery thriller. It's a good film but like some of my friends who had never seen it didn't understand what all the hype was about at the time and I can't help but agree as I have seen better plots and twists. haha maybe the only reason was because it had James Bond in it Daniel Craig. I went to visit my friend too who lost the job they seemed to be doing fine and didn't talk that much about it in the end which is fine I can see they are trying to be brave and positive about the situation. I left just a tiny bit later than I wanted but it was fine as I still felt I had enough time to get home not so late. It had definitely turned colder which is what I expected for the night, thank goodness I brought that scarf and hat I guess now that I'm older I need such things to keep warm. On I'm very glad to still see it working as it should, work on updating the look of the interface continues on for something more "modern" I was very worried about this but the changes aren't anything drastic and Alpha testing can now be tried. Hope you have a good day or night and I will see you on the next Steemit post.

Today's Picture

As for the picture today I share some flower photography, a quick disclaimer I understand that this type of photography on Steemit has a bit of a bad reputation. This is because it was often used by spammers to make like 8 posts each day.
Hopefully as you can see from my blog I'm nowhere near making 8 or more posts per day on the subject of flowers.

I believe this was captured on the way to work near the super market as the weather was getting better, the main focus here is of course as we went this time for a close-up are these 2 beautiful Red Ballerina Heesterrozen. I think I forgot to mention last time I shared a Ballerina Heesterrozen that while it's called the Red Ballerina Heesterrozen I honestly feel it's more of a pink in colour, but perhaps why they called it red is because it seems the colour goes from white, pink and then at the ends and even underneath the flower it goes red in colour. Regardless I love the colour contract of this flower it makes them very beautiful. Unfortunately since we already know this is the Red Ballerina Heesterrozen there will be no upvote for guessing it's name, however below is a photo with it's focus this time solely on a white flower. Well actually it isn't fully white as it's got this slight tint of pink especially more towards it's petal edges, but I don't know what they are called. And so with this comes a opportunity for you, if you know anything about flowers, if you recognise the flower and know it's name let me know in the comments section below and possibly win 🏆 a upvote from me.

Other Captures

Flower Photography White And Pink Single Close-up
Flower Photography White And Pink Single Close-up May 28 2017.jpg

Flower Photography Common Ragwort Land
Flower Photography Common Ragwort Land May 28 2017.jpg

Flower Photography Roses and Knock-Out Roses Yellows Shrub
Flower Photography Roses and Knock-Out Roses Yellows Shrub  May 28 2017.jpg



Always do your own due diligence the above is only a opinion.

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plenty of colours this round

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now you ready for travel


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