Abandoned things on the street

I want to share with you this pic that I took today, just for fun! I know it's a little bit scary, but I have to explain why I took it.

Yesterday, while me and my hubby was walking along the parkway close to home, I watched this part of a tiny plastic doll. It's just about 5 cm (2 inches), full of spots and whithout the head, but it focused my attention. I put in in my pocket, because I couldn't resist to place that doll (that part of a doll) in a warm place. Ok, maybe my inner child said me to do it. ^_^

When I came back at home, I watch it better under the light and I see it looks really scary. I took my camera and I took a pic of it. 

Even if it could seem a scary pic, It intrigued me because the shades of grey and because a tought came into my mind: this doll need an head!

I hope to find his own head tomorrow during our usual walking, if not I'll try to "create" a new head for him (I think it's a "he" and not a "she" ^_^).

See ya later


silvia beneforti

OMG, Silvia, that is too funny & a bit creepy too. lol

I agree, it's a mix of funny and creepy, I hope to "adjust" this doll in a cute way soon ^_^

I think it's holding a cookie but I'm not sure 🤔

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I really like this ! Such a strange abandoned lil fellow :D You should totally make a new head for it, Silvia :D Make him a part of your own artistic world !!!

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