What do we know about ducks.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #photography4 years ago


We continue the conversation about the farm animals of a villager. And today we have ducks in line.


I can't say that duck breeding is now popular in rural areas, as I myself have never dealt with these birds, but those who deal with them claim that with the right approach it is quite profitable. There are now many different breeds of ducks. And everyone can choose their own direction, what exactly they want to get from the duck: meat, eggs or down.


Moreover, the ducks have a strong immunity, are not afraid of frost, and in the content and diet quite unpretentious.

Until now, there is no consensus that of the ancient peoples still managed to first domesticate the duck: Egyptians, Greeks or Chinese. Only the way of domestication of these birds is well known: collected eggs of wild ducks, people collected and laid domestic hens.


Thus, man gradually tamed and wild crack duck, the ancestor of all birds of the house. Since ancient times, the duck has changed somewhat, the bird has lost the ability to fly long distances and fully adapted to the consumer qualities of man.


The highest recorded duck flight speed was 170 km/h.

During moulting, these birds stop laying eggs.

Due to the fact that the duck's paws have neither nerves nor blood vessels, they can walk calmly on snow and ice without feeling cold.

Ducks love the rain.

During the flight, ducks can climb quite high. There is a known case when a duck collided with a plane at an altitude of 9 km.

Wild ducks make nests in reed or reed thickets. The most interesting thing is that the bird insulates it with fluff, which is plucked on its chest.

In order to keep an eye on predators, the ducks have learned to sleep with one eye open. By the way, their eyes have three centuries.

China is the world leader in duck breeding.


The duck quack has no echo. The most interesting thing is that only a duck can quack. But the spleen has no such function.

Ducks take for their mother the first thing they'll see after hatching. It can be a mother duck as well as a man, a dog, a cow, and sometimes there have been cases of ducks mistaking inanimate objects for their mother.


Duck hatching eggs for 22 to 29 days on average. All chicks hatch within 10 - 14 hours and after 12 hours, after the female has greased the flock of chicks, they can already swim in the water by themselves. By the way, ducks become adults quite early. As early as two months after birth, the young ducks do not need guardianship.

Unlike chickens, which when hitting the garden, begin to destroy everything around, ducks are not fans of greenery from the beds. So they can be used to destroy some insect species, and larvae.


While hunting for prey, ducks can dive to a depth of 5-6 meters.

Due to the special fat coating, ducks' feathers do not get wet in water.

These are interesting creatures, these ducks.

Making conclusions from all that I managed to learn about these feathered waterfowl, especially comparing them with cows, still ducks have a chance to stay in the village. So who knows him...










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