📷 Photosniper A7 Mod + Street Photography Test / 狙擊A7改造 + 街拍測試steemCreated with Sketch.

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

Soviet-era Gadget vs Modern Camera

Today I'd like to share a mod I did to one of my Russian photography equipment, the Zenit Fotosnaiper! The mod essentially adapts the trigger-shutter system to work with my Sony A7 camera, so I can take pictures by pulling the trigger on the gun stock.
今天來跟各位分享一個相機器材改裝過程,被改器具是蘇聯時代製造的Zenit Fotosnaiper。主要改造的部分是將槍扳機的聯動轉換成數位相機的快門觸發,使得扣扳機就能達到拍照的功能。
Here's a picture of the 300mm Fotosnaiper lens attached to the A7 via a m42 to Sony E-mount adapter as well as the gun stock.
以下照片是 Fotosnaiper 配的 300mm 鏡頭透過轉接頭接到 Sony A7 機身上及槍托。

How I did it / 改裝步驟

First I unscrewed the top plate on the gun stock, revealing the trigger mechanism.

I designed 3 parts with a CAD program that attached to the triggering mechanism which I printed with a 3D printer. These parts were then wrapped in copper foil with adhesive backing, to which I soldered wires from a shutter release cable. Here you can see the 3D-printed parts as white pieces and the copper foil.

The custom parts were designed so that when the trigger is pulled slightly, it triggers the half-pressed shutter action on the camera, which is usually set to auto-exposure and auto-focus, and in-camera body stabilization (which I don't have on the A7). When the trigger is pulled all the way, the red wire shorts to common and triggers the shutter.

Here's a photo of the assembled setup.

The other end of the cable release is plugged into the camera.

Testing it out! / 實際測試!

I took the modded Fotosnaiper to the streets and shot some everyday people scenes, here are the photos!

Cropped, shot approximately 30 meters away. 有裁剪,拍攝距離約30m。

Shot approximately 5 meters away. 拍攝距離約5m。

Shot approximately 10 meters away. 拍攝距離約10m。

Shot approximately 20 meters away. 拍攝距離約20m。

Shot approximately 10 meters away. 拍攝距離約10m。

Shot approximately 10 meters away. 拍攝距離約10m。

Shot approximately 10 meters away. 拍攝距離約10m。

Shot approximately 10 meters away. 拍攝距離約10m。

My hands were tired after walking around and taking those photos, and thus concluded my testing of the modded Fotosnaiper. It was a fun shooting with it, although the weight is quite heavy.

Equipment Used / 使用攝影器材

  • Camera: Sony A7
  • Lens: TAIR-3S 300mm f/4.5
  • Software: Lightroom

Hope you enjoyed this post! I strive hard to provide quality content :)

My goal is to share with this wonderful community my passion in photography, and hopefully contribute to the awesome inspirational content on Steemit.

I read and try to respond to all comments, and welcome any photography related questions and feedback!


好酷!偷拍神器耶 XD


謝謝觀賞 :)



haha~ btw 老鏡的發色還真的很吸引!


Old man walking on the street with a bag in his hand made me feel like i am watching a hollywood movie. Very well captured bro. Great photography.

Thank you very much for the compliment @stefen!

Nice work! I'll be honest though, I would be worried walking around with a gun stock camera. People would probably flip out in my area.

Thanks, I understand the concern given the gun situation in the States, I've had people come up to me and take photos of it.

Thank you for sharing with us! I hope you enjoy the upvote!

那些人真的感覺上快要被狙擊一樣 XD





長髪的是男 XD

nice setup, and great pictures!
what was the approximate distance you were taking the pictures from in the examples you posted?

Thank you, at least 5 meters I think.

oh! it seemed a lot further! thanks!

You are probably right, some of these were probably 10 meters! I forgot to mention the range of distances I shot at.

yes! I think you should add that info because it seems a pretty loooong shot capability you have there :)

Thanks for the suggestion, I'll edit the post :)

Perfect, there is no more to say.

amazing photography looks like they are scenes on any movie.
great capture

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