📷 Insect Photography Collection [original photos]

in #photography8 years ago (edited)

Six-legged Critters

Today I showcase some of my insect photos, taken from 2009~2016. Going through my library, I didn't find that many photos in this category, so I think for now this will be the only collection for insects. I hope you'll like what I've picked out!

400 mm, 1/400 s, f/8, ISO 400

100 mm, 1/160 s, f/9, ISO 400

100 mm, 1/100 s, f/8, ISO 100

100 mm, 1/20 s, f/8, ISO 400

22 mm, 1/200 s, f/5.6, ISO 400

400 mm, 1/250 s, f/8, ISO 400

100 mm, 1/30 s, f/11, ISO 400

My Photo Collections

Hope you enjoyed this post! I strive hard to provide quality content :)

Critiques and comments are welcomed!


excellent photographs, beautiful quality, belludas, is a true Cadre @ shieha thank you very much for sharing this brilliant post

Thank you @jlufer, your comment means a lot to me :)

Awesome shots! So clear and detailed

Some really nice shots there!

Funny thing: I only see part of some photos, it takes a manual right mouse button "View Image" to see the whole photo. Small effort for such photos, but still. Does anyone else have this also?

Thank you @ocrdu, I had that problem too, seems to be resolved now :)

wow at the moth and the fly. I also like your navigation at the bottom! Good idea.

Thanks @jamtaylor, greatly appreciate it :)

I really like the fly - and the cicada in the last photo. Insects have so many odd parts that we just don't see without great photos like yours! Looking forward to you creating a second insect collection!

Thank you, I really appreciate your feedback!

Great shots! That cicada is big and loud, just like the ones off the screen!

Yea, these guys make up the summer choir :)

Nice shots @shieha Upped and followed

Thanks @kiddarko, I also followed you, to see more of your work :)

Thank you so much @shieha

you are very creative photographer!

You're too kind!

Beautiful! The condensation on the moth's wings is insane

Thank you, I really appreciate it!

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