
You're an artist mate.

Thanks, THANKS A MILLION...... THANKS..... nothing else can sum up what I am feeling right now..... I guess I am lost for words....

I really like your work, that is why I commented.... your gift is WOW.... WOWWWWW...... what can I say!

Thanks man.

Would've used a little bit more light, but still good :)

Woah, one word! FEARLESS! 😎

Very interesting, sexy photos, But I want to ask. Why only photo without writing another explanation.
Explanation will make the photo look more interesting and everyone likes.
Photos in the future will be more interesting with the writings beside the photo

Sometimes I want people to bring their own interpretation to the photo.

Yes, I agree with your opinion .. but the explanation will be the key to make it more perfect.
My comments have no purpose of force, but just want to try to offer something that might be better ... I love it

No comment!!!

It's a modern twist on Adam and Eve. Just needs an apple.

Nice is that choker made out of actual snakes skin??

No, an actual snake. He was friendly.

Holy shit really your brave I'd be terrified wow lol

This engaged me!

Am glad to be a fan...upvoted and following as always. You a true master of your art...
I sent my first intro post check it out for me...will appreciate...tks

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