Introducing the Carpenter Bee - Beautiful big black bee collecting pollen [photography] [INFO]
I found this beautiful and big insect wandering around in the garden collecting pollen (at least i think it did collect pollen xD) and took some pictures of him or her.
The size was like a hornet (more or less), but it was very peaceful (was very close), instead of being aggressive or something like this it was also interested in what i might be :)
It´s a "Carpenter Bee" and it belongs to the family of "Real Bees", i dont know which one exactly it is, but check wikipedia for more inforation if you are interested ;)
I never saw them before and i was outside a lot during my life so far (South of Germany)
Enjoy the pictures, all self taken 100% unmodified originals (no filters and stuff).
Have a nice day ;)
Note: Edit@10h after posting because now we know what it is if the comments might confuse you ;)
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heavy insect.. but it looks nice.. and friendly ^^
I saw something similar too... in austria
i have two pics of them..
seems to be the same kind of bee?
was searching the last few minutes, it seeeeeems to be a "carpenter bee" (Holzbiene)?

and they seem to like these kind of flowers^^
you made some really nice pics of that "little guy"
Its wings are like jewels. Amazing and beautiful photos!
Wow, that is a scary looking "bee," but I appreciate the beauty in that. Don't know that I've ever seen a bee with such black wings. Nice photos.
The first few seconds it was scary, yes.
For more information visit:
How cool! I stumbled upon a nest of crazy looking Polka Dot Wasp Moths (come to find out) ! Beautiful but intimidating and mostly just in the Southeast. You never know what crazy critter you'll come across down here in tha Floriduh . . . . . thanks for sharing!
maybe someday i will give you a visit xD
my aunt is living in florida ;)^^
Fuck! It is huge!
indeed, but as i said, very friendly big black bee thing :D
really like to know what it was oO
have you seen these guys before ?
They came in WWII from somewhere in america and they scream as hell if you touch them xD^^
But also friendly ;)
Insects are generally smaller in my part of the world.
Great Photo it´s unbelievable