Things You Should Know Before Going To North Korea

in #photography8 years ago (edited)

North Korea is an exotic country to say the least. You probably heard many obscure, unbelievable facts about its people and the leader Kim Jong Un. However, these 21 facts will blow your mind and make you wonder how such countries might exist nowadays.

1. You're not allowed to bring mobile phones with yourself into North Korea. The phones are taken and only returned to you after your visit.

Using mobile phone in a cafe

2. You can't explore North Korea by yourself. Special North Korea's guides are assigned to you and you can’t go anywhere without them.


3. The Ryugyong Hotel - a pyramid-shape 105 story building started building in 1987. At that time, it would have been the tallest hotel in the World. However, the construction works were frozen due to country's economic crisis and only resumed in 2011. The hotel's opening were postponed several times, so don't expect to book a room there yet.


4. Dogs are banned in Pyongyang (North Korea's capital city). The ban was introduced to stop North Koreans from raising pet dogs for food in their apartments.


5. The Internet is only available for North Korea's government members. Although Koreans can access a local intranet called Kwangmyong that contains about 5500 local websites.


6. The International Friendship Exhibition is a huge museum that displays 220,000 gifts to former North Korea's leaders received from various international diplomats over the years. The official propaganda tells its citizens that these gifts are the proof of how much leaders from all around the World admire the North Korean presidents.


7. The Rungnado May Day stadium in Pyongyang has 150,000 seats and is the largest stadium in The World. The stadium held Arirang Festival that is included in the Guinness Book Of Records as the largest mass games in the planet with more than 100,000 participants and 200,000 spectators.


8. In 1976 North Korea's diplomats in Norway was caught smuggling and selling cigarettes, liquor and marijuana to local drug dealers. Even right now North Korean embassies are so poorly financed that diplomats are seen buying second-hand office equipment and struggling to pay for their groceries.


9. In North Korea it is not year 2015, but year 103. The calendar is based on Kim Il-Sung’s (the first leader of North Korea) date of birth: 15 April 1912.


10. North Korea is the only country in The World that claims to have a 100% literacy rate.


11. Wearing blue jeans is illegal in North Korea as denim represents North Korea's biggest enemy - American imperialism and lifestyle.


12. You can't buy a car in North Korea. Cars are issued by the party to only its members.


13. In 1968 North Korea seized U.S Navy vessel. Til now it's the only US Navy ship hold in captivity by the other country. The ship serves as a tourist attraction and propaganda symbol today.


14. North Koreans may only choose from 28 haircuts approved by the party.


15. North Korea has 1.190 million men in their army and it's the 4th largest standing army in the planet.


16. Marijuana is legal and is not considered as a drug in North Korea. It's regularly used among the common people and grows in the wild.


17. It's prohibited to take photos of poor people in North Korea so you won't destroy a myth that poverty doesn't exist in North Korea.


18. Kjong-dong is an empty village situated in Korea's Demilitarized Zone. It was build for propaganda purposes in 1950's to show for Southern neighbours how good the life is in North Korea.


19. North Korea is among two countries in The world where Coca Cola isn't officially sold. The other one is Cuba.


20. Only 3 TV channels are available in North Korea. 2 of those 3 are only available in weekends and the other broadcasts in the evening.


21. Air Koryo is the one and only North Korea's airline. It also the only airline rated 1 star by Skytrax.


#photography #photos #life #travel #northkorea


You also can not bring a Bible to North Korea.
You also can not bring a laptop with Porn or a Magazine.

I only could imagine what psychological shock should experience North Koreans who somehow manage to escape to South Korea. It should feel like going 50 years into the future.

#1 thing you should know before going to North Korea:

Your chance of being thrown in the gulag are higher than any other country you visit in the world! - Don't go unless you have a tolerance for false imprisonment.

North Korea must be one of a few countries in The World with still functioning forced labor camps. Don't do wreckless, stupid things and you should be OK there

American college tourist stole a propaganda sign and got 15 years. Pretty "stupid" but harsh for an innocuous offense.

Nice work! :D

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