

Such pretty flowers. I do think we see them here in autumn. Resteemed

many thanks!

Hi @sardrt Your flowers are very beautiful.

These are so pretty, do you think they would grow here in the UK? I would love some in my garden!

I think so! They love the cool and so I think you could grow up! Now that I think about it ... I've seen so many in Paris ..

Oh thank you thats good to know, I am going to have to look for some before Spring!

Ormai sei partita, oltre alle tue stupende fotografie, dove ci evidenzi in maniera ineccepibile questi piccoli capolavori della flora, corredi i tuoi mini-book di piccoli consigli per la cura e coltivazione delle graziose pianticelle che ci presenti, hai aperto un nuovo filone, davvero brava!!

grazie! ci provo....sono contenta che ti possano piacere!

No no, togli pure il "ci provo" dal tuo commento qui sopra, e pensa tranquillamente che "ci riesci"

I see all the photos you share is very interesting, very much different from the photo of the flowers that I post, because I use a smartphone so it is not good,

many thanks

Wow..... beautiful flower... and color’s is so charming...really shades are awesome.... thanks for sharing.

You have great photos of flowers in the macro - as always!

many thanks my friend

What a nice little flower! <3 Great shot Daniela! :)

many thanks my dear

beautiful flower make we are happy sea its

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