What is the picture quality?

in #photography8 years ago

Many not only beginners but also advanced amateurs share the misconception that if the photograph fails, blame not "cool" camera. On the other hand, hopes that with the purchase of a more expensive camera photo quality will improve by itself.

It comes to mind stories about the pan, which love to tell photographers. In short its essence: the presence in the house dear pan does not guarantee that the dish will be cooked gourmet product has value and something else, of what and how to cook.

What is the picture quality? Conventionally, the quality can be divided into technical and artistic.

Let's start with the technical. To photograph has been recognized technical quality, only two conditions: correct certain exposure and the presence of field where it should be.

Exposition. All cameras, amateur and professional, exposure (which depends on ambient light) is detected automatically. In most cases, AE copes well with its task.

However, the equipment may be wrong. This happens when a large area of ​​the image is very bright or very dark. For example, in a frame or a lot of snow is brightly lit beach. Automation will lead to the fact that the snow or sand will turn out darker than they really are. Almost all cameras have the ability to correct exposure. In this case, it is necessary to add, when the snow remains bright.

The opposite situation: we want to stay in a beautiful evening, and the result is an indistinct day. To equipment not "highlights" image, you need to enter in the settings of a negative correction to the exposure.

In general, it is necessary to carefully study the instructions for your camera. It describes not only the technical aspects, but also many tips for the shooting modes. Built-in automated programs such as "macro", "landscape", "shooting against the light" to give good results when applied to the site.

Shine. For good photos of it should be enough. How many disappointments associated with viewing the results of the survey in the semi-dark areas. Axiom: the room is always dark. In addition, the artificial light of lamps greatly complicates the work (this is done automatically, too) white balance. As a result, we get yellow, green or too red faces. You should not rely heavily on the built-in flash, it is intended to highlight the shadows when shooting against the light. Lack of illumination makes automation to raise the sensitivity of the matrix, which is an inevitable increase in noise.

The best conditions for shoot compact camera: on the street, in the morning or early evening; the day when the sky light clouds and there is no glare and harsh shadows.

Sharpness. Focusing is done automatically. Another question - where. Typically, the display of the camera are highlighted those points on which there is focus. It is enough to pay attention to the shooting, and there is no frame in which the sharpness of the "left" on the carpet, and face blurred. When shooting portraits eyes must be sharp mandatory.

If you're shooting small objects, flowers, use the mode of "macro". Each camera is the distance, which is closer to get a sharp image can not specify this point in the instructions.

Since the compact short-focus camera, depth of field they have a large, but the objects appear smaller than we see them. Do not deviate too far, if you are shooting people, the optimum distance a half or two meters.

A very common cause of blurred images - "shake." Autofocus worked well but you have when pressing the shutter release button is pulled by hand. In photography, as in shooting: aim, gently pressed. Hold the camera with two fingers at arm's length, you are unlikely to get a sharp picture. Even a small camera to keep both hands and press the shutter button gently.

The risk of "shake" increases in low light situations when the exposure time increases. Typically, in this case a warning message appears on the monitor screen.

For example, the technical quality we understand. At this stage it is possible to stop if we do not set ourselves big goals, but simply conduct a family chronicle. But you will agree, is much nicer view photos of family and friends when they do not just talk about some of the events, but also pleasing to the eye.

Art has a long and rich history. All his discoveries and the laws applicable to the picture. Photo with a good composition nicer than Photography composition at all. The harmonious combination of colors better than the chaotic diversity.

If you want to move in the direction of enhancing the artistic quality of your pictures, read books, watch pictures and photos of recognized masters, visit the network sites, where fans interact photos. It is not fast, but interesting process.

What can we do the most simple, to improve the artistic quality of the pictures right now? Learn to look at the picture in the abstract. Yes, this is your family, and you are now a lot of fun, but if the mood passes too dark a picture with a colorful carpet as a background? Do I need a shot in the table laden with dishes and bottles? Why is the child "grew" out of my mind a tree and the horizon "cut the throat" pretty girl? It's the little things, but they do spoil the shot.

Get into the habit not to hope that good stuff will come themselves, organize a good day family trek with a camera in a beautiful place. Take a little closer to the background. Catch the sincere expression of the face of a loved one. Make your gold frame.

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