G+ vs. Steemit for Photographers or Colors of summer

in #photography8 years ago (edited)

Hey all,

here`s another shot taken by me.
And also some thoughts about steemit as a platform for photography.

As i`ve posted a lot of my photography to g+, 500px and/or flickr before and Google chose that shot for "Picasa Recommended" it could be that you`ve perhaps already seen it somewhere else or even had it as a chrome browser background.

I call it "colors of summer".
On picasa it got ~46 million views and hundreds of comments but i earned nothing, not even a cent.
It`s not that this was my intention.
I take photos because it allows me to capture the beauty of the world which is hidden everywhere,
even when it`s often not obvious at first sight.
You`re always forced to rethink your perspective and often see things you wouldn`t see
when just walking around.
You have to be in the here and now and observe your surroundings closely to get interesting shots. Also it lets me spend time in nature which i enjoy a lot.

So when i found this platform last days i was wondering how good this would work for photography and i have to say that although i earned less than 0,5$ so far and my posts mostly seem to go unrecognized i`m looking forward to what this (photo) community will grow. There` s so much potential.

In the last 1 1/2 years i posted less and less photos to g+ and flickr. Not because i had no new shots, but simply because it became too boring and was too time consuming and most feedback were variations of different concatenated superlatives. But the idea to be paid for your photos without the need to put them on stock photo platforms makes this very interesting and sounds very exciting. It simply feels good when people appreciate the work and heart you put into something and if this can pay some of the expenses you have it gets even better.
So i think i will start posting some of my photos more frequently again and not just keep them a secret on my hdd.

And although this is already an exciting place i think there are lots of things which could make this a place where photographers or people who simply enjoy large photos are even more welcome than it is now.
For example i really would like to see some tools in the future which make organisation and handling of photos a bit easier, like galleries, albums or a photo tab for each user where you could easily switch through all his photos at once.
Also i would like to see some kind of lightbox, an improved and more photo focused display which lets you zoom into photos or watch them in fullscreen and easily switch between photos.

What do you think of those ideas ? Have i missed perhaps something and that already exists ?
And what do you think of steemit as a platform to post your photography ?

And now i` m curious if steemit can do it better than google and if this shot will earn me a few $ or if it will simply go unrecognized.

© Rznag Rmrod (me)


Love these colors together, beautiful photo. I have pillows that are brown and turquoise :) I agree with you that new tools to work with photos would be great.

Thank you. Glad i` m not alone missing some tools. Do you know if anyone is working on stuff like the tools or features i suggested or if anything at all is planned in that direction ?

I am not sure what is happening at this time, although I know the topic has been brought up quite a bit and I am sure they are working on something. This will be necessary as more newcomers arrive that want to work with their photography to enhance their blogs or showcase photos. This is all relatively new : )

Ok cool. Good to know, thanks for that. I will take a look then if i can find some more information. I could also imagine that there` s not that big hurry with features for an improved photo experience, this is still beta and what i asked for is more eyecandy or bonus than a real requirement. An improved search would be much more helpful.

Great photo but most of all great sense of wher Steemit needs to go to encourage us artists to add soul and depth to this platform. Also, I feel like a sellout uploading my art and photos on servers and giving them up.

Beautiful! What's the name of the plant?

Thank you. Honestly i can` t even say that. But i shot it in the botanical garden of Klagenfurt, Austria. Perhaps someone with some more knowledge about plants can enlighten us.

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