
Guess I am having one right now! Cheers @ruth-girl.

Btw "Daaru Ki Tanki" means "Alcohol Tank"

It's funny in my language. :-D


Cheers to you @hungryhustle!! :)

Pretty glass ;)

Thank you so much @ruth-girl :-D

Wow! If only i can kidnap that tray, then my stomach would perhaps sing for joy. You do know how to enjoy a Saturday night @ruth-girl. Amazing menu plus 2 dignified bottles (is the third bottle liquor or just water)...This is the life.

I wish I could send some of these treats over to you :(

(The third bottle is just water)

Well, after a week of hard work everyone needs a relaxing Saturday :)

Yea, it would have been nice to sample those delicacies. I wish i had super powers right about now...Lolz

μόνο κρεατικά? φάε και κανά ψαρικό ,κανά ψαρονέφρι :P

Την επόμενη φορά Μάριε ;)

Oh no! A challenge again?
I was scared when I saw a photo of a beer :D

Hehe! No, not this time! Just some beers at one of my favorite places ;)

Ο καλύτερος συνδυασμός τη κατάλληλη μέρα!!

Ναι!!!!!!! ;)

Now, this tray is filled with what I call "food" :) enjoyment continua.

P.S: Never heard of Beptina before. The name kinda sounds like soda :p

I liked that "food enjoyment continua" :P

And it's Vergina, in the greek alphabet P reads as R and Γ reads like W in woman ;)

Lol. I guess I got that wrong. :)
Now I've learnt something new

Does this celebration for a great night? or just for Saturday night

Just a regular Saturday night out... :)

It's party time.

Oh yeah! :)

foodphotography really awesome tag my friend.Its look awesome and it is a great content.

good post friend of the best you have much to admire greetings from venezuela

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