Dutch Bikes -- What's Up with That?

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

What do you think of when you think of the Dutch? Tall, multilingual, friendly, tolerant, free spirited, tulips, windmills... sure there's all that, but there's also bicycles.

Was denkst du, wenn du an die Holländer denkst? Groß, mehrsprachig, freundlich, tolerant, locker, Tulpen, Windmühlen ... sicher gibt es das alles, aber es gibt auch Fahrräder.

A while ago I was following the first European tour of an American band to a few cities in the Netherlands. I didn't want to carry my camera around , so I took this old Kodak in case I wanted to snap a few photos. The quality is marginal, but I'm glad I had it, because on this particular trip I began to notice bikes everywhere!
Vor einiger Zeit folgte ich der ersten europäischen Tournee einer amerikanischen Band in einigen Städten in den Niederlanden. Ich wollte meine Kamera nicht mitnehmen, also habe ich diesen alten Kodak genommen, falls ich ein paar Fotos schnappen wollte. Die Qualität ist leidlich, aber im Nachhinein war ich froh, da ich anfing auf dieser Reise überall Fahrräder zu bemerken!


Imagine finding your ride home after a long day at the office!
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Stellen dir vor, hier dein Fahrrad nach einem langen Tag im Büro zu finden!

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Dutch SUV
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The real trick is managing to take a photo without a bike in it!
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Die echte Kunst -- ein Foto zu machen in dem kein Bike zu sehen ist!


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Early morning traffic
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Früh am Morgen -- Berufsverkehr

So when I think of the Dutch, bikes are one of the first things that come to mind!

Also, wenn ich an die Holländer denke, sind Fahrräder eines der ersten Dinge, die mir in den Sinn kommen!


How very cool to see those pictures. One of my recent articles was about parking for bikes.

That's a very nice post you did my man! link Thanks for making me aware of it! @roused

Hah, that's funny. We do have a lot of bikes! It's our main way of transportation when we're young and we basically use bikes throughout our whole lives! Easy for short trips and a nice way to see some nature aswell on a sunny day :-)

You're right, it is hard to even imagine the Netherlands without all the bikes & it is the perfect country for them.

I really like your post, I've upvote you,

I was in Amsterdam in 2015 - and as a pedestrian you really have to be careful - the bikes sneak up on you without a sound :)
And behind the main railway station they have even floating bike containers.
As such I fully understand - biking is a cheap and environmental friendly - and healthy way to move around. Some more cities could follow their example!

For sure. Another tip from another trip, rent a bike and ride through the sand dunes. We did that once, riding from Leiden to den Haag, the bike road was paved and there were even some places to stop and get a bite along the way.

I like bikes, I like the Netherlands and I like your post! Resteemed and upvoted! 😃

Muchos Dankas Amigo! :-) !

Land of a billion bikes 😃

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