
Thank you so much Ross, you must google photos of Lake Bled. The sunrise photos are so beautiful. I will try one in late autumn, but the two spots, where you can make the best photos, are always full of photographers, they say ;)

Anything so cool will attract lots of cameras! :)

Right, and the summer season hasn't even started yet.
You can walk around this lake, and in you won't find a place, where nobody has a camera pointing somewhere - you even won't find a place, where nobody is there ;)

It's like that often at The Wedge in Newport Beach California. It's a great wave when the swell comes up so i would just try to work people in the shot. I guess it's pretty much like that everywhere here all the time. I'm surprised i have photos without people in them at all : )

Tourists are everywhere, also on places, you wouldn't think. I don't mind them, because they bring life and money into beautiful and otherwise lonesome areas, but when there are crowds in my way, walking in front of the camera etc, then I hate them. This also a reason for me, not to photograph the popular views, or to go there in another season... ;)

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