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RE: PHOTOGALLERY: Black and White Aspens in Dillon, Colorado

in #photography6 years ago

Thanks! I moved it to the first image of the post. B&W can be dark and moody. I challenge you to do an all Black and White photo gallery. Look at the world through a monochrome filter. Cheers, @rebele93


i've done it before with b&w photo contests, but never purposefully shot for b&w.

maybe i'll work on a b&w in the future... too many projects on my plate right now

I love the top one but wish it was a panorama so that I can see more of it. I like how the clouds are obstructing the rocks in the top picture.

yeah i need to work more on panoramas. they often turn out well if i dont get the sun in them... doh.

dig deeper into the Auto-exposure lock feature of your camera for making the exposure levels match when taking panorama pics to stitch together.

... this will allow you to add the sun to your panoramas without having trouble with stitching together images at different light/exposure levels. Easy peasy.

ty. i really need to read things. i used to do that. i need reading glasses. i realized last night i'm not reading as much because i cant focus. always thought it was my attention, but i think half is my eyes.

I lived in denial that I needed glasses for far too long.

I had better than perfect eyesight for so long. I only got glasses about 2 years ago when I finally admitted to myself that i wasn't just tired, and that it wasn't just eye strain.

I can't really see anything under 4 feet from my eyes without my glasses. My distance vision is still fine, but I'm sure it's not what it used to be. My eyes focus different from one another so I had to get prescription glasses, but you might try getting some 2x or 3x drugstore variety glasses first. It's a bitch getting old.


same. i have distance glasses for driving and 2x for reading but quality sucks. I should just invest in a pair of good quality 2x. main issue is admitting i need them and remembering to use them.

Most of my reading happens on the computer screen, so my glasses are focused at arms distance away which is where I have my monitors positioned. I wear them most of the time and just look over the top when I'm driving or looking at something further away. (which is a pain BTW.... I still need them on to see the speedometer, and radio, but not for the view out of the window. Grocery stores a can also be a real pain.)

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