Photography Collection: Late Autumn, Ontario, Canada

in #photography7 years ago

All photos were taken with an LG 3G cell phone.

I took these photos from the edge of the Trent-Severn River, as the sun is setting in the west. The deciduous trees are loosing their leaves as Winter is coming. 

The photo of the bonfire (below) is a bit of an optical illusion. The leaves on the tree (directly behind the fire's flame) in the background have turned yellow and are being lit by the sun as it sets. This is distorting the size of the fire's flame.

The view to the east (as the sun continues to set). Notice the mirrored reflections in the water.

Night, just like Winter, will be upon us in short order. May you have every comfort where ever you are on this earth.

~ Rebecca Ryan


I'm so jealous of your backyard, Madam; it looks so peaceful and inviting! The pictures you took are amazing! BTW, Do ya'll have snakes up there?

Nothing beats being able to walk outside and being immersed in nature. My sense is that your property is similar...isn't it?
Yes, there are snakes...
We mainly have black water snakes and run of the mill, garter snakes, and grey rat snakes.
I tolerate snakes and would NEVER swim in our river because of them. They're long and they can swim they DONOT stand down. They're crazy aggressive and will swim right up, almost on shore to assert their dominance. You'd never believe it until you see one do it. The stuff of nightmares, I tell ya. Nervously LOl!

lol All the ones you mention are non poisonous though, don ya'll have any poisonous vipers? We have several in are area including the Rattlesnake, Copperhead, Coral Snake, Water Moccasin, Sea Snake (Only on the coast) and it seems like I'm forgetting one more, but that might be it. Looking at the shoreline made me think of cotton mouths (Water Moccasins) because that would be a perfect habitat for them.

As far as backyards go...N0, yours blows mine away! Mine is just woods and a shooting range lol. Not very relaxing for the average Joe to say the least, but it is for me.

We have many different kinds of rattle snakes, but I don't have them in my backyard which I'm thankful for. I'm more into birds of prey.
In December (on my birthday of all days) I watched an eagle slowly glide across the backyard, pick up speed then swoop down and pick a Canada goose right out of the water and fly off with it.
I could not believe what I witnessed. The power of nature.

wow! that must have been a over powering sight ! i love birds of prey. Always absolute amazed by them. In hungary you had so many, i could stare for hours in the sky looking how they were on the hunt. Loved it. But there i was also really crazy about the storks. They are so funny.

I didn't know if you guys had many snakes due to the colder climate or not. They're very common in my area. Colt actually survived a Copperhead bite on the tongue and on the paw several years ago. That was a helluva night.

OMG! Thankful Colt has some body mass to him. I doubt a smaller dog would've been able to survive that.
The trouble we have with dogs in my area are from porcupines, coyotes,wolves, bear and cougars.
Our Ministry of Natural Resources say they haven't released cougars in Ontario, but it's generally BS and we all know it.
My friend almost hit one with his truck at 6:30 am last Tuesday about 5 mi from my house. It was a big cat...he hunts and said it was well over 100 lbs. If farmers shoot them on their land to protect their herds...they usually have a visit for the MNR within 48 hours because the animals are micro-chipped....but they're like Sasquatch, they official don't exist. ;)

The optical illusion on the pic with the flame and yellow leaves is really amazing my friend and that reflection in the! Great shots!
I know the winter will be very hard for you, stay safe and warm!

I love that nature that is in the morning on a beach like this
Photography is amazing and the scenery is very exciting
You deserve the title of the Great Stemit photographer

Well worth it @bluelightbandit
Rastim did her work
greetings @rebeccaryan

Thank you @walidsalah! It is life on a smaller river must have amazing beauty with parts of the Nile which I would like to see sometime. ;)

I am up and alive. And able to read and write. Ha
I love your photos and the explanation. Make me a little homesick for cool/cold weather. Ha
Just kidding.
It is warm here. Too warm for me. But that is because of the cool weather up North.
You have a very lovely place and location. I could be envious.
But, I will refrain. lol
It is good to see you back in the Seemit saddle again.
Bring the very best to us.
Your friend forever.


Oh good Francis!
You just keep reminding me of the warm because Winter is coming fast and furious.
We've just come out of several days of joint aching rain and people have been lining up to get their flu shots.
Are you pestered in the States to get inoculations?

So sorry to remind you of your winters. I don't want to do that. I actually like winter.
i just don't like the cold. Ha
You know that it is rare for me to have any kind of health problems. Just an old man
and getting older. Ugh on that.
Anyway, back to the subject. I don't go to the doctor or the drugsters. I try to live without
them. It isn't that I don't believe that they could help. I don't take any kind of drugs.
Just vitamin and mineral supplements. The ones I do take are good. They may have
helped me some.
But..............The one I am excited about is the one I sent a video to you.
I rarely get excited about designer drugs or supplements.
But, for this one. I am hoping I can be dancing for many more years in health.

Yes. Signs and advertisement for flu shots and other shots are popping up
everywhere. I just don't participate. Ha


I do not participate either. The best defense as far as I am concerned is soap and water...simply wash your hands regularly. I could not tell you the last time that I had the flu...but I do have special immunity because of my close contact with other people.
Wow that speaks volumes Francis. :)

is that a private property

Yes, @skreza! @knarly327 and I are in the middle of restoring it. The lady who owned the property is about 108 years old. As you can imagine, not much was done in the last 25 years or so and we've had a lot of restoration to do. Our plan is to take it off the grid in a few years. :)

that's a big estate.. you plan to build a huge cannabis farm there?

PS: is that just a typing error or you on purpose mistake my name

Completely an error on my part @skreza. I apologize and have corrected it. Thanks for catching it and allowing me to correct it. :)

So beautiful I look forward to sitting near campfires and burning snores , enjoying the fall nights

It is a very relaxing thing to do. :)

This is so fascinating to watch exquisite and beautifully taken shots so nice :D


Thank you very much @american-pie!

awesome photography..! how you presented your photography with interesting description, its always interesting.. i love to enjoy photography with great writing.. it makes me feel that i am there!

Thanks you for your kind words, @alamin0263! Some folks like to form their own opinions about what they are viewing...but I always appreciate learning about the thoughts that inspired the photography. ;)

Excellent adventure and beautiful photos, especially pleased with these autumn plots in the anticipation of winter. Thank you @rebeccaryan

Thank you @serkagnan. 1 month from now, we will probably have snow and I have already started to use my woodstove to provide heat inside my house. Most plants outside can't live because we are having heavy frosts in the morning...this means the water or moisture on the grass freezes. It doesn't last once the sun warms it.

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