My 2020: Just a Normal Day... in the Life of a Freelance Writer

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Thank you very much for the curation. It's appreciated :)

Yes, Rowan, I see, now, how our daily schedules as writers are alike — only I think yours is healthier :)

Nice to take a peek at your day & I wish you a creative, productive remainder of the day/week!



Cheers Yahia.

This was a fun post to write and a great challenge from anomadsoul.

A day in the life of Rowan hey? Good stuff mate, hoping to build up some bank so I can have a bit of a freer life as well. But I'm OK with the 9-5 atm... Hoping to get it 8-4 so there's a bit more time in the evenings.

I still never worked out my peak time. I think it's whenever I decide to get my head down and do something haha.

Thanks for sharing your day

hoping to build up some bank so I can have a bit of a freer life as well.

Ha ha, well that is the pay off I'm afraid. I live a pretty scarce life when it comes to luxuries... like holidays etc. I literally haven't been anywhere in nearly 2 years. It's ups and downs with freelance writing. It has been a lean 6 months but I got an opportunity which should make things easier recently. The commission hasn't started yet, but sometimes over the next few months I should be tripling my income, which is nice. I'm hoping it's enough to be able to go travelling if all these health measures I've taken pay off and result in healing my chronic gut issues.

Fingers crossed :)

Loved reading this. Thanks for sharing!

You're welcome mamrita :)

sounds like a pretty nice day, love the palm house, that must be crazy going from cold to the warmth like that.( But I guess if you have central heating it is not that crazy. I like to embrace the season I'm in. ) I imagine just sitting in their and closing my eyes and soaking it all up. It sounds like you have a nice balance there between being active and relaxing xxx

It sounds like you have a nice balance there between being active and relaxing.

Yeah, most days are like this... but some without the bike ride if the weather is bad. I end up with at least one day a week though where I'm pretty much on the computer all day writing for a deadline. That can be quite stressful if the creative flow isn't there, or if my condition is kicking in and fatigue is draining me.

This keto diet seems to be helping though, as the fatigue is slowly getting less and I'm finding it easier to power on through days like those 🙂👍

I imagine just sitting in their and closing my eyes and soaking it all up.

The palm house is wonderful... and that's exactly what I do. After chatting with the dude at the entrance desk, and throwing a pound in the donations tin, I just find a quiet spot and meditate. The smell, sounds and warmth takes me back to the jungles of koh sok in Thailand, or more recent travels in the jungles of belize. It's a lovely little escape in the city 😎

I do like your typical day
I think many might covert it :D

A few friends a doing this keto diet too
And they are happy with the results
But apparently it takes some time for the body to adjust
So hopefully that's what it is with the nightmares ...

Hi @kaerpediem

Sry to respond so late, my main account is completely depleted of VP due to delegation running out, which leaves me unable to comment/vote or do much of anything with the raj808 account for a few days lol

But apparently it takes some time for the body to adjust
So hopefully that's what it is with the nightmares ...

Yeah, I've just read on a forum that it can take 6-8 weeks for the metabolism to adjust to burning fat as the main source of energy. I was particularly glad to read this as my energy has plummeted over the last few day and I started to wonder if it was all worth it. I think I need to give it 2 months to really see what the benefits will be :)

Oh no need to be sorry

And glad you are going to stick with it
Apparently after that you will feel great 😊

Nice to see a day in your life :)That palm house would be awesome to have on in the area lol. I'd defo come there with a foggy brain to see if the inspiration will come back.

Btw thanks again for the food pic lol, and I now made an account on fatsecret as well, because at the moment I just try to introduce a healthier diet but don't really feel like checking if I'm still doing what I should (counting RDI lol) .. boyfriend really wants to do that as he has some health issues that need attention NOW so he will probably be even happier with this site ...

Today I made the breakfast I showed in yesterday's post for him, he loved it as well.

Have a good weekend :)

Hi @anouk.nox

Sry to respond so late, my main account is completely depleted of VP due to delegation running out, which leaves me unable to comment/vote or do much of anything with the raj808 account for a few days lol

Btw thanks again for the food pic lol, and I now made an account on fatsecret as well, because at the moment I just try to introduce a healthier diet but don't really feel like checking if I'm still doing what I should (counting RDI lol)

That's great to hear that my article actually had some real-world benefit for someone :) :)

P.s. tell your BF that the calorie counting etc, usually takes me around 30 mins of my day to complete. It might take a bit longer in the beginning as you get used to it, but after a week or two it becomes easier.

Hope you are having a nice relaxing Sunday :)

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